Industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized an industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul on 10.12.2022. Totally,78 II B. Com (B&I) students along with Mrs.R.Nithyakalyani and Mr.R.Dhamotharan visited the factory.. The students were briefed on  the historical background, the top level management, various departments and various products of Naga. The students were able to witness the production process of vermicelli and pasta directly. In total the industrial visit was very much useful for the students and they had a practical exposure to the commerce field.

Positive Youth Development

Department of Commerce  B. Com (B&I),  conducted a Personal Counseling Program to the students of I B&I students on 10.12.2022 in Seminar Hall. Our Alumni ,  Mr.S.P.Balasubramanian, Founder, Aram Seivom Foundation  addressed the gathering on Positive Youth Development. Mr.Bathrinath and Ms.Amitha, members of the foundation, also addressed the students. They educated the responsibilities of youth in their own development and the society. They highlighted how the younger generation is  exploited towards unwanted addictions like social media, alcohol, etc. They elaborated how to engage themselves positively for their own development and the society as a whole. Totally, 81 students attended the program and got benefitted.

Seminar on Innovative Products in Retail Banking

Session Details: Seminar on Innovative Products in Retail Banking
Title of the session Innovative Products in Retail Banking
Date : 08.12.2022 Duration : 11:00am to 1:30pm
Activity Category: Self driven activity Nature of the Session : Offline
Theme : Innovation
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep Designation: Assistant Professor
Organisation: R. L. Institute of  Management Studies, Madurai.
Brief about Expert/Speaker:

Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep is a seasoned banking and insurance professional with proven academic track record and demonstrated success in energizing and inspiring young minds to outshine and grow.Proud alumnus of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and Karunya University. He possesses a comprehensive knowledge in the area of life insurance practice, applications, underwriting and finance. He uses the pedagogy of blended teaching through MOOCs.

Objectives of the activity: 

ü  To understand the role of innovative Bank Products in the development of economy.

ü  To develop their skills to become a banker and an innovator.

ü  To know the problems faced by banks in marketing their products.

ü  To improve their knowledge on innovative Products and its trends in Banking.

ü  To know the opportunities in banking sector.

Outcome of the activity:

Students were able to,

ü  Understand the role of innovative Bank Products in the development of economy.

ü  Develop their skills to become a banker and an innovator.

ü  Know the problems faced by banks in marketing their products.

ü  Improve their knowledge on innovative Products and its trends in Banking.

ü know the opportunities in banking sector

Key Highlights:

·        Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep presented a detailed lecture on the innovative products in Retail Banking.

·        He also shared the strategy of banks in marketing their products in an efficient manner.

·        Students raised queries on recent products and its features.

Participants Details:
 Total No. of Student Participation:            159
 Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation:         7
 YouTube Links: Nil
  Photographs: Enclosed


Professional Development Program on 19.11.2022

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) conducted a Professional Development Program on “Curriculum Designing based on IIBF Certification” to all the faculty members on 19.11.2022 in Board room. Ms. S. Vahitha, Assistant Director, IIBF Corporate office, Mumbai and Mr. Ravi Gupta, Corporate Development Officer, IIBF, Mumbai, detailed the certification provided by Indian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF) and its course content. They also explained how it can be integrated with the B.Com curriculum for the welfare of the students. The session was very useful and helped in modifying and updating the courses related to banking. Totally, 7 Faculty from Commerce Department participated in this program.

SLCS Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity on “Awareness on Household savings to Women in Nedumadurai”

The Department of Commerce B.Com (Banking and Insurance), Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai conduct an SLCS Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity Program on “Awareness on House hold savings to Women” on November 10, 2022, at 11:00am in Nedumadurai Village nearby our college. The main aim of this awareness Program  is to create awareness about the Thrift and savings among the rural women. The 15 students from III B.Com (Banking and Insurance) explain the importance of thrift and savings habit among the rural women’s and also explain the various central Government and State Government savings schemes like Atal Pension Yojana (APY), Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Scheme (NSC) and Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY). People asked doubts related Government schemes. Our students clarified their doubts. The beneficiaries had awareness on importance of saving habit and related Government schemes.

Industrial visit to Dinamalar Paper factory, Madurai

The Department of Commerce B.Com (Banking and Insurance) organized a one day trip to Dinamalar Paper , Madurai on 10.11.2022 for the First year B.Com (B&I). The visit  gave the students an awareness on printing processes and news printing technology, they also learnt about the ink used in newspapers. Students were instructed on the software used in printing. Mrs.R.Nithya kalyani and Mr V.C.Saravanan, Assistant Professor of B.Com B&I accompanied the students. Totally 81 students got benefited through this visit.

Fresher’s Party

The Department of Commerce B.Com (Banking and Insurance) celebrated the “Fresher’s Party” on 30.10.2022.  The fresher’s day was filled with excitement, joy, music, enthusiasm, laughter and happiness. The celebration started at 2.00 PM at the RLINS Annexure Building, Seminar Hall. The fresher’s were formally welcomed into the B&I Department. The jury and other guests of honor were also introduced. Event started with a self introduction of 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year students. Everyone was impressive in their own way. Later on, the fun team of 3rd year and 2nd year students took over the stage in their own way of attracting the audience. After that, an excellent dance performance was given by 1st years. The senior students conducted games for the fresher’s, which is a real fun ever in college days. After completion of games seniors warmly welcomed our faculty members and distributed sweets. Finally, the  fresher’s were called on to the stage by seniors to give a small gifts and sweets to remember the day.

Industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized an industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul on 15.11.2022. 64 III B. Com (B&I) students along with two faculties, Mrs.V.Padmavathy and Mr.R.Dhamotharan visited Naga Foods Private Limited. The students were explained about the historical background, the top level management , various departments and various products of Naga. The students were able to witness  the production process of vermicelli directly. In total the industrial visit was very much useful for the students and they had a practical exposure to the commerce field.


           PTA meet was organized by the department of B.Com (B & I) for the I, II & III year  students on 15.10.22. Ms. Nithya Kalyani organized PTA meet   for III Year students , Mr. Arunkumar Assistant Professor /B&I ,   for II Year students and Mr. Saravanan Assistant Professor /B&I , for I Year students . The Main Objective of the meeting was to create a common platform where teacher and parents come together and discuss the issues related to the students progress. The faculty members approached every parents individually and shared their valuable inputs with the parents.

During the meeting, the following things were discussed .

  • Academic performance of the students with regards to the first internal test
  • Attendance of the students for the month of July , August and September 2022
  • Students’ level of understanding for each and every subject
  • Students were asked to give their feedback related to their course subject

VAC – How to Succeed in Diploma in Banking & Finance Exam

Department of Commerce (Banking and Insurance) conducted Value Added Course on ‘How to Succeed in Diploma in Banking & Finance Exam’ for  III year students. Mr. Rajan, Retired Bank Employee from Phyre Academy, Chennai, engaged the course for 72 hours in the month of September and October 2022 on alternate days of the week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) as per the following schedule.


Time Subject
12.40 pm – 1.40 pm Principles and Practice of Banking (PPB)
02.15 pm – 3.15 pm Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking (LRAB)
03.15 pm – 4.15 pm Accounting & Finance for Bankers (AFB)


The expert discussed all the tips to crack the exam. All the sessions were interactive and effective. Totally, 64 students of III B.Com (B&I) got benefitted through this course.