Field Trip to Perumal Malai

Department of B.Com (B&I, conducted a “Hiking Activity” on 10.10.2022. The students of II and III year B.Com (B&I) Hiking destination was to Perumal malai, which is a part of rock hills in ‘Thiruvurivagam” cluster near Keelakuilkudi. The path has many ups and downs and was not tar topped.  Thorny bushes (seemai karuvelan) grown on both side of the road. There are more than 20 Jain’s beds in a natural rock shelter, which is about 20 feet from the ground level.  Considering the number of beds, it is presumed that this Rock shelter might have been used as a learning centre. There is a Mahavir statue with damaged pedestal kept in between the beds under the canopy of the shelter.  The Canopy has 7th century two bas-reliefs of Tirthankaras with Tamil inscriptions. In addition to this there is Brahmi inscription inscribed under the canopy.

 The protruding canopy of the rock shelter was shaped such that the rain water cannot enter in to the shelter. The dripping water also channeled to go outside through carving on the rock floor.

In addition to the group of beds there is a platform, might have been used by the head of the monks during preaching. We could find a place for grinding of herbs used for medicine. It is evident that the Jain monks extended the medicinal service also. Hiking through this path gave an amazing experience to the students.  Students learnt and got aware about the safeguarding the Historical places and  Values. Totally, 120 students from II B.Com (B&I) and III B.Com (B&I) Students eagerly participated in the Hiking/ Heritage Walk activity.

SLCS Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity on “Awareness on COVID Insurance schemes”

Title of the session: SLCS Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity on “Awareness on COVID Insurance schemes”
Organizer Department B.Com ( Banking and Insurance)
Date                           :  29.07.2022 Time    :    08.30 am to 09.30am
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue  :     Solanguruni Village
Theme                       :  “Awareness on COVID Insurance schemes”
Objective(s) of the activity:

v  To create awareness about the health, crop, and cattle insurance among the MGNREGS workers in the village.

v  To insists on taking insurance for health, crop and cattle insurance among the MGNREGS workers in the village.

v  To provide knowledge on insurance related Government schemes among the MGNREGS workers in the village.

Key Highlights:

v  Totally, 10 students from III B.Com (Banking and Insurance) created awareness about the “Insurance Scheme and Government Scheme” among the MGNREGS workers in the village.

v  Students explained the benefits of Various Insurance Schemes and Government Schemes like, Crop Insurance, Health Insurance, Cattle Insurance, and Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, and Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana healthcare scheme.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v  The beneficiaries had awareness on Insurance Schemes and Government Schemes.

v  The MGNREGS workers in the village appreciated the students’ and their concern to take insurance for their crop, cattle and health.

v  People asked doubts related to insurance and Government schemes. Our students clarified their doubts.

v  Students got awareness on the problems.

v  They got a comprehensive knowledge, skill and attitude to work in rural area.

Participants Details:

v  Total No. of students participated:  10

v  Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated:  1

Alumni meeting

Title of the session: Alumni meeting
Organizer Department B.Com ( Banking and Insurance)
Date                           :  29.07.2022 Time    :    11.30 am to 12.30am
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue  :     III B.Com (B&I)
Alumni Details:

Ms. M. Iswarya Alumni of our college. Working as processing associate in BNY Mellon in Chennai. BNY Mellon Investment Management provides a robust corporate foundation, together with worldwide resources and administrative supports. It allows us to know about investment firms.

Objective(s) of the activity:

Ø  The bright gap between college life and career life, so as to inculcate students to the professional world.

Ø  To enhance the employability through references.

Ø  To provide a platform for students to develop their personality and skills.

Key Highlights:

Ø  Totally, 64 students from III B.Com (Banking and Insurance) were attended the Programme.

Ø  Alumni shared her views ideas and information to instill.

Ø  During the meet, the alumni shared insight her experience to our students, which she had faced after stepping out of the institution.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

Ø  Alumni Meet, creates a special bonding between with the students who have established themselves already in the big, outside world.

Ø  The event was utilized to apply experience in real life situation.

Ø  The alumni helped the students by giving guidance for academic and co-curricular activities.

Participants Details:

v  Total No. of students participated:  64

v  Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 3

Rally on Women Safety and Welfare

Session Details: Rally on Women Safety and Welfare
Title of the Session    : Rally on Women Safety and Welfare
Organizer Department B.Com ( Banking and Insurance)
Date                           :  22.07.2022 Time    :     08.30 am to 09.30am
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue  :     Nedumadurai Village
Theme                       :  Awareness Rally on Women Safety and Welfare
Organization: Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science.
Objective(s) of the activity: 

v  The prime objective of the rally is to empower women and spread awareness on women’s safety.

v  To create awareness about the importance of women’s education.

v  To spread awareness about increasing women harassment.

Key Highlights:

v  ‘An Awareness Rally on Women Safety and Welfare’ was organized by Department of Commerce (B&I) and Vishaka Committee of SLCS.

v  The rally carried out at Nedumadurai Village.

v  Totally, 60 students from III B.Com (Banking and Insurance)   participated in the rally with posters and placards with messages about women safety and importance of women education slogans.

v  On behalf of Vishaka Committee Mrs. N Selvi, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Tamil and Ms. S. Neela, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Hindi handled the session on Women Safety and Welfare for the students of III B.Com (Banking and Insurance).

v  Students insisted that women have the right to be free from violence, harassment and discrimination and removing the barriers of an unsafe environment.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

ü  The beneficiaries (Village People) had awareness on Women Safety, Welfare and also on Women Education.

ü  The village people in and around Nedumadurai village appreciated the students about the rally on Women Safety and Welfare.

ü  This program helped to fulfill the potential as individuals and contributors for communities and economies among the students.

Participants Details:

Total No. of students participated: 60

Total No. of staff (Teaching) participated: 4

Opportunities for Students & Faculties – Early Stage Entrepreneurs

Session Details: Seminar on Opportunities for Students & Faculties -Early Stage Entrepreneurs
Title of the Session: Opportunities for Students & Faculties – Early Stage Entrepreneurs
Organizer (Department) B.Com B&I
Date : 08.07.2022 Time:03.00pm to 04.00pm
Mode of the Session : Offline Venue: Annexure Building – Room No -112
Theme(If Applicable) : Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Expert / Speaker Details: Ms. V.V. Vinothini, I B.Com (Banking and Insurance), Proprietor of Vino Bakes, she started her business before one year (June 1st 2021) in Madurai. She is selling home baked products likes’ cup cake, plum Cake and brownies etc., She has participated in many stall programmes in different part of Madurai. She got an award of “Queen of Business” from Veera Tamilachi Welfare Clubs”.
Organization  :   Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai.
Objective(s) of the activity: 

ü  To develop their skills as an entrepreneur, innovator, and leader.

ü  To create essential awareness amongst the students on “Entrepreneurship as a career option”.

ü  To explore entrepreneurship as a potential career.

ü  To improve their knowledge on entrepreneurship trends and opportunities.

ü  The IIC aims to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem in the campus.

Key Highlights:

ü  Ms. V.V. Vinothini, I B.Com (Banking and Insurance),Proprietor of Vino Bakes presented her own experience in the setup of her new business venture and sharing her real-life business problems and tactical techniques to solve the business problem, to the student of I B.Com (Banking and Insurance) in an efficient manner.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

At the end of the program,

ü  Students expressed interest and intention to explore entrepreneurship as a career.

ü  Direct interaction promoted active learning in students.

ü  The program enhanced the confidence of the students to become an entrepreneur.

ü  Students asked for clarification regarding – the business start ups and management and the speaker clarified their doubts.

Participants Details:

Total No. of students participated: 66

Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 4

Peer Teaching

Title of the session: Peer Teaching
Department B.Com( Banking and Insurance)
Mode of the Session : Offline Venue: 1st year B.Com (B&I) Classroom
Date : 01.07.2022 Theme: Principle and Practices of Banking: Business ethics
Theme (If Applicable)     : Principle and Practices of Banking “Business Ethics”
Expert / Speaker Details :
Name: Ms. S. Lakshmipriya Designation: Ist year B.Com (B&I)
Organisation     : Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science
Objective(s) of the activity:

v  Peer teaching will enhance learning by enabling learners to take responsibility for reviewing, organizing, and consolidating existing knowledge and materials.

v  Peer learning will enable them to move away from dependence on teachers and gain more opportunities to enhance their learning.

v  They have the chance to experience and learn that “teaching is the best teacher.”

Key Highlights:

v  The Department of Commerce B.Com (Banking and Insurance) organized a peer teaching session on 01.07.2022 in the 1st year B.Com (B&I) classroom as a tool of participative learning.

v  Ms. S. Lakshmipriya from Ist year (B&I) handled the topic “Business Ethics” to the peers.

v  She explained the topic in an efficient manner.

v  All the students observed their effective teaching attentively. The session was lively and interactive.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v  Direct interaction between students promoted active learning.

v  Peer teachers reinforced their learning by instructing others.

v  Students felt more comfortable when interacting with the peer.

v  Peers and students shared a similar discourse, allowing for greater understanding.

v  Peer teaching helped the students build confidence and communication abilities.

Participants Details:

v  Total No. of students participated: 78

v  Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 4

SLCS Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity on “Awareness Programme on Insurance and Government Schemes”

Title of the session: SLCS Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity on “Awareness Programme on Insurance and Government Schemes”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) B.Com ( Banking and Insurance)
Date                           :  24.06.2022 Time    :     1 hr (10.30 am to 11.30am)
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue  :     Valayankulam Village
Theme                       :  Awareness Programme on Insurance and Government Schemes
Objective(s) of the activity:

v  To create awareness about the cattle and vehicle insurance to the village people.

v  To insist on taking insurance for cattle and also for vehicle insurance.

v  To provide knowledge on insurance related Government schemes to the village people.

Key Highlights:

v  The students of the 1st and 2nd B.Com (Banking and Insurance) prepared a mime show programme on the theme “Insurance and Government Scheme”.

v  They performed the mine show at Valayankulam village, nearby our college.

v  Through mine show the students explained the benefits of Cattle, vehicle insurance and Government schemes.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v  The beneficiaries had awareness on cattle, vehicle insurance and Government schemes.

v  The village people in and around Valayankulam village appreciated the students’ mime show and their concern to take cattle and vehicle insurance.

v  People asked doubts related to cattle and vehicle insurance and Government schemes. Our students clarified their doubts.

v  Students got awareness on the problems.

v  And also they got a comprehensive knowledge, skill and attitude to work in rural area.

Participants Details:

v  Total No. of students participated:  8

v  Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated:  1

Extension Activity (SLCS-Samaaj-Seva) – Awareness program on Banking Schemes Extenn

              The Department of Commerce – B.Com (B&I) organized an extension activity (SLCS-Samaaj-Seva), “Awareness Program on Health Insurance” on 27th May, 2022  at Nedumadurai . The students of the department created awareness on important of Health Insurance through Mime.  Totally   7 students of  I B.Com (B & I) were involved in this program  and nearly 20 people got benefitted by this program.

VAC – Accounts Pro-Computerised Financial Accounting – Tally.ERP9

The Department of  B.Com (Banking and Insurance) conducted a Value Added Course on ‘Accounts Pro-Computerised Financial Accounting – Tally.ERP9’ to the III Year students. The training was conducted by SSI Institutes, Madurai from 23.04.2022 to 28.04.2022 in our computer lab. The experts covered topics related to computerised accounting, E-taxation and GST. The entire session was very interactive and effective. 65 students of III B.Com got benefitted from this Course.


The Department of B.Com (B&I) conducted an online   PTA(Parents – Teachers Association) Meeting  for the students of I & II B.Com ( B&I) on 22.04.22, Ms. Nithya Kalyani, Assistant Professor, B&I conducted for II Year  and Ms. G. Karthika, Assistant Professor, B&I conducted for I Year. The faculty members explained  the parents about their wards’ attendance and   internal mark of  II year students and External mark of I year students.

No.of students attended PTA Meeting with their parents:

I B.Com  ( B& I)     –  75

II B.Com( B& I )   –   55