To commemorate “WORLD FOOD DAY” , FAGAS Association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Health and Nutrition Club, jointly organized an event on the theme- “Leave No One Behind” on 18.10.22 at 9.30 am in our college. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, inaugurated the program. Various competitions like, Grain Carpet, Poster Making, and Regard before You Discard were conducted for students to showcase their talents. The winners were encouraged by distributing prizes. Dr. K. U. Pavitra Krishna, Head of the Department, delivered a valedictory speech on the ‘Importance of food for all’. Totally, 37 students actively participated and benefited through this program.

SLCS- Samaaj Seva – an Outreach Program on- “Share the Meal” .

Department Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized (SLCS- Samaaj Seva), an outreach Activity on “Share the Meal” -Donate Food to needy people at Thiruparankundram Temple, Madurai on 17.10.22. Totally, 10 students from II year have taken part in the program. They prepared and distributed variety rice (around 70 packets) to the deserted people in the area.

Through this outreach program, we were able to sensitize our students to gain social values, widen their responsibility and receive a wide spectrum of knowledge in environmental issues by making them to work with community. Students were immensely satisfied after witnessing the smile on the faces of the homeless people on receiving the food packets.

Career counseling on “Hospitality Job Opportunities in Merchant Shipping”

Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an Alumni Interaction for the first time (for 39 students) on 17.10.2022. Mr. Vino Christwin C, an alumni of the department, presently working as general steward, Fleet Shipping Management, Mumbai. He created awareness among the students about the “Hospitality Job Opportunities in Merchant Shipping”. He spoke of how a career in shipping is perfect for individuals who are fascinated by the sea, love travelling to foreign ports and want to experience different cultures. International trade and commerce rely heavily on shipping and maritime transport. Almost 90% of trade is done through sea routes, which increases the need for professionals in this area. After completing your degree, you can join government or private shipping companies or various port agencies in India or abroad. The shipping industry is one of the best sectors to build your career in. Marine catering students can also join the merchant ship as general stewards and learn about the duties and responsibilities of a general steward, the importance of hygiene, safety measures, the selection process, and the documents required for joining the shipping company. This program boosted the confidence of the students.

SLCS- Samaaj Seva – an Outreach Program on – “Share the Meal”

Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized (SLCS- Samaaj Seva), an outreach Activity on “Share the Meal” – donated food to the needy people at Alagar Kovil, Madurai, on 17.10.2022. They prepared and distributed variety rice (around 75 packets) to the deserted people nearby Alagar Kovil. Through this outreach program, students were able to gain social values and social responsibilities. Students were immensely satisfied after witnessing the smile on the faces of the homeless people on receiving the food packets. Totally, 7 students from I & II MCHM took part in the program.


To commemorate “World Food Day – 16th October 2022”,  FAGAS association and Health and Nutrition Club of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management conducted events on the theme of “Leave no one behind” on 14.10.2022 at our FSPM lab. The main goal of this programme was to educate higher secondary school students the significance of Food Science and Processing Management as well as the spirit of World Food Day. Through numerous posters, charts, and functioning models of various milling machines, the FSPM students briefly discussed the significance and application of their field while also calculating each student’s BMI. Fifty school children from Amudham School were participated and counselled based on their BMI- what are the foods to be included and excluded during this age to promote their good health.

Seminar on “Leave No Behind” observing World Food Day

ZEAL Association of BBA Department and Consumer Awareness Club of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai, organized “Leave No Behind” seminar on 16.10.2022.  Mr. Pradeep Challiyil was the guest speaker. The guest explained the importance of consuming food and also advised not to waste food. He further briefed on the adulteration of foods that affect the consumer.  He finally insisted the participants to create awareness on the food adulteration among the public. He also clarified the queries of the students and the other participants. Totally, 30 members of Consumer Awareness Club and other public participants attended the seminar. Through this lecture the students and other participants had a great idea about healthy food and diet.

Industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized an industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul on 15.11.2022. 64 III B. Com (B&I) students along with two faculties, Mrs.V.Padmavathy and Mr.R.Dhamotharan visited Naga Foods Private Limited. The students were explained about the historical background, the top level management , various departments and various products of Naga. The students were able to witness  the production process of vermicelli directly. In total the industrial visit was very much useful for the students and they had a practical exposure to the commerce field.


Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized Parents- Teachers Meet for the first and second year students (77 students) on 15.10.2022 at 10.00 A.M. The meeting was organized under the guidance of Mr. C. Suresh Kumar, Head of the department. The main objective of the meeting is to discuss student’s performance and devise ways to enrich their learning experience. The class in-charge announced the student’s attendance and I internal marks and also discussed on the preparation for semester examination. The PTA meeting ended with the briefing on progress and development of the students depending on the joint effort of parents and teachers.


           PTA meet was organized by the department of B.Com (B & I) for the I, II & III year  students on 15.10.22. Ms. Nithya Kalyani organized PTA meet   for III Year students , Mr. Arunkumar Assistant Professor /B&I ,   for II Year students and Mr. Saravanan Assistant Professor /B&I , for I Year students . The Main Objective of the meeting was to create a common platform where teacher and parents come together and discuss the issues related to the students progress. The faculty members approached every parents individually and shared their valuable inputs with the parents.

During the meeting, the following things were discussed .

  • Academic performance of the students with regards to the first internal test
  • Attendance of the students for the month of July , August and September 2022
  • Students’ level of understanding for each and every subject
  • Students were asked to give their feedback related to their course subject


The Following Members were present

S. No Name of the Faculty Incharge Designation Class Room No.
1 Dr. Kumaran Thayumanavan HOD III BBA 203
2 Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram Assistant Professor II BBA 205
3 Mr. B. Vairamuthu Assistant Professor I BBA 201

The Following Points were discussed

  1. The Parents Teachers’ Meeting started at 02.15 p.m. in their respective class rooms.
  2. Kumaran Thayumanavan, HOD, inaugurated the meeting. The performance of the I BBA students in I Internal Test was informed to all the parents by Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram. The performance of the II BBA students was informed to all the parents by Mr. B. Vairamuthu. The performance of the III BBA students was informed to all the parents by Dr. Kumaran Thayumanavan.
  3. 57 students of I BBA, 31 students of II BBA and 36 students of III BBA, along with the parents / guardians attended the meeting on that day.
  4. Some parents requested us to arrange for extra coaching class to improve the performance of the students and also to inform them about the timing of evening bus schedule and also to send results through common SMS.
  5. The meeting ended at 04.30 p.m.