An Export Summit was organized at Madurai Chamber of Commerce on 16.12.2017. 10 eminent and distinguished personalities participated as resource persons & delivered lectures. The program was a great learning experience for students of BBA department.


An industrial visit to St.John Freight Station, Tuticorin was organized for students of BBA Department on 15.12.2017. St.John Freight Station is the authorized customs clearing agent for Tuticorin Port. They are one of the leaders in Logistics & Shipping Industry. The staff explained in detail about the basic logistics and shipping procedures. The students had a great learning experience.



The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have organized Career Counseling Program on 09.12.17. All the second year students

The programme was inaugurated by Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head, Dept of MC&HM,

Mr. Sandip Chothe, Training Manager briefed about the students selection of their subject, formation of their study habit and make them progress in those subject and activities and to attain the ultimate aim of getting good career as per their wish.


Technofest – Association Meet

The Department of Computer Science and  Information Technology had organized the Technofest, the meeting to exhibit the technical skills of the students.

Honorable Head of the Department, Mrs. N. Anuradha, Department of Computer Science delivered her felicitation address.

Students from both first and second year presented the papers titled as LiFi – Technology, Dude – the network monitor and etc. and demonstrated the tools like SQL Map, Network Map, Predator and Nessus – the vulnerability scanner.

The new secretaries  , Mr. S Sahosan [16215] II B.Sc CS and Mr. M. Muthu Sriram [16610] II B.Sc IT were selected by the department staff.

Entire session was very useful to the students

Student Achievement

    S.Harish,  Second year student of B.Sc Film and Television Production won the “Special” award in the “Passion League” a National level  Photography Competition , Bengaluru held on December 09, 2017.


Students of  BBA department were taken for an exposure visit to the Ship-in-Campus at RL Institute of Nautical Sciences, Madurai on 30.11.2017. The students got a virtual feel of a cargo ship. The staff coordinator explained in detail the various types of ships, and the engine mechanism. The students had a great learning experience.


From 23.11.2017 to 28.11.2017, Department Of  Networking has organized Value Added Course on “MTA – Database Fundamentals” for II B.Sc Networking students. The Training was handled by the trainer Mr.P.Vasu Senior Technical Trainer, Falcon System & Services, Chennai.18 students got benefitted.


From 20.11.2017 to 24.11.2017, Department Of Networking has organized Value Added Course on “MTA – Microsoft Technology Associate Windows 10” for II B.Sc Networking students. The Training was handled by the trainer Mr.Keerthivasan Technical Trainer, Vectra Technosoft Pvt.Ltd, Chennai.17 students got benefitted.

CERTIFICATE COURSE ON “Logistics & Shipping”

The Department of BBA in association with CII – Institute of Logistics, Chennai signed a MOU for conducting a certificate course on “Logistics & Shipping”. The first session of the certificate program was launched by means of video conferencing on 22.11.2017. Mr.Vignesh Vaidhyanathan, Counselor – CII Institute of Logistics, Chennai discussed on the topic “Trade routes and shipping overview”. The objective of this certificate course is to enhance the skills of the students in the logistics and shipping industry, thereby promoting their employability.