Clay Modelling Workshop

Department of Animation organized Clay Modelling workshop 2019 on 24th and 25th January 2019 for the Ind and IInd Animation Students. Sculptors & Industrial Experts  Mr.Thisanthan, M.F.A, Mr.Selvam, M.F.A and Mr.Radhakrishnan, M.F.A were the Guest Lecturers. Students taught about clay modelling methods, how to prepare plaster of Paris Mould and Preparing Terracotta.

Industrial Visit

The students and faculty of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management went for an industrial visit to Naga Foods Limited, Dindigul on 22.1.2019. The students were given a warm welcome. Mr. Mohan, Head, Technical and Mr.  Radhakrishnan, Head, Human Resaources of Naga Foods Ltd. provided an overview of the Naga industries, its history, thrust areas and achievements. The students were then oriented in detail regarding the milling process and state-of-the-art technology of wheat milling and the various by-products of the milling industry. The students were then taken into the factory with prescribed hygiene precautions to each division starting from raw material procurement, cleaning, soaking, dehulling, sorting, grading, processing quality testing and packaging. The students also had a question answer session to clear their doubts and queries regarding the process and technology. It was a very informative, interesting and unforgettable experience for the students.

Industrial Visit – Food Science & Processing Management

The students and faculty of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management went for an industrial visit to NSR Cold Storage, Dindigul on 22.1.2019. The Firm provided cold storage facilities for different varieties of foods along with ripening chambers and Logistic facilities. The students attended demonstration of frozen storage technology of sea foods, ice cream and milk cream. They also learnt low temperature storage technology of fruits and vegetables of both Indian and foreign origin. They also learnt about modified atmosphere storage of foods and artificial ripening of fruits and farm produce. The students were thrilled to evidence the latest technological advancements in food processing and handling with firsthand experience. The students also had an opportunity to clear their doubts regarding the technical details and governmental regulations involved in the food sector.

Career Counselling Program

Career counseling sessions for students of BBA was conducted from 07.01.2019 to 12.01.2019. The students were taught on Effective Communication Skills, Numerical Aptitude, Subject Knowledge, Group Discussion, Interview skills and resume writing. The students felt the session to be very useful and informative. They realized that this would be of great help for their career.

National Level Seminar on Innovative Concepts In Media

Department of Visual communication on Sunday – 20 Jan 2019 organized a National seminar on “Innovative Concepts in Media”. Research scholars, students and academicians from various Institutions and media professionals participated in the seminar.  News 18 Tamilnadu Chief editor – Mr.G.Gunasekaran – the first media person from Tamilnadu to receive the “ RAMNATH GOENKA” award and Dr.D.Niveditha – professor – “Dept of EMMC from Pondicerry university” were the chief guests of the event.

Inaugural address stared with the prayer song, Ms.S.Poornima Bharathi of 1 year Viscom gave the welcome speech, Dr.M.Raghu kalidhasan,HOD,Dept of VISCOM introduced the chief guests and briefed about the seminar, principal Dr.P.Saravanan gave the presidential gave the presidential address with the message about neutrality in media and the importance of the seminar, Inaugural address was delivered by Mr.M.Gunasekaran, he elaborated the evolution of tamil news media, the importance of reading habit and also shared his experience about print and TV  media, the keynote address was given by  Dr.D.Niveditha, she has explained the various arts involved in film making.

More than thirty participants from across the country presented their research papers at three different venues in the college campus. Followed by the presentation, certificates were issued to the participants. Mr.K.Karthikeya of II year Viscom student delivered the vote of thanks. The seminar came to an end the National Anthem.


Our First and Second year students of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have participated in Intercollegiate competition, conducted by Department of French, Fatima college, Madurai on 19.1.2019. Three students from Second year and five students from first year have actively participated in various competitions like Quiz, Dance, and Souvenir de France. Our students Mr. Kabilan, Mr. S.Surya, Mr. S.Saravanapandi and Mr. V.Saravanakumar have won Second prize in Dance competition and Mr. S.Gandhi Bhagavathi, Mr. M.Kesavaraj, Mr. K.V.Yokeshvaran and Mr.R.Danush  have won Second prize in Souvenir de France competition.  This helps the students to motivate and encourage them and to make an memorable experience.

workshop on Screenplay writing and Direction

The session was inaugurated by our Vice Principal Dr K Archunan, welcome speech was given by our HOD Dr .M. Raghukalidhasan and Mr M Sivakumar Head- Dept of direction, L V Prasad film academy- Chennai handled the interactive session with our students. He has screened few short films and documentaries to our students to explain the nuances and different aspect of screenplay writing. In the second day, he made students to write script for one scene, he also explained about the screen time of an one page script. This workshop threw some light on screen play writing techniques to our students.

Student Achievement

Bharath Balaji.S 1st year B.Sc VISCOM student secured 1st prize and got gold medal in the all India karate championship – black belt – individual category in W.G.K open GOJO cup – 2018 held at Kodaikanal.