Webinar on World Food Day

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized and celebrated “World Food Day” via webinar on 16.10.20. First, second and third year MC&HM students (156 students) actively participated. Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head of the Department gave the welcome speech; Executive Chef. Anand Vijayakumar, Royal Caribbean International- U.S.A, addressed the students and spoke about the importance of Food and Food Safety, Food Contamination, Modern Buffet Presentation techniques and ways to satisfy the customers with food. Mr. Gangadharan, Asst.Professor delivered the Vote of Thanks. This webinar motivated and encouraged the students, besides, making it a memorable experience.

Readers Hub-Essay writing competition

The Readers Hub of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized Essay writing competition on 15th, October 2020 through online. Twelve students  participated in this competition . Students from various departments registered their names and participated in the event successfully.

Conveners of this event, Mr.Senthil kumar and Ms.Sridevi, Assistant professor, Department of  English  represented the event and evaluated the essays of the Students. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members.They awarded the marks based on the Content and presentation style.

After the successful completion of the event, the convener and the member of the competition awarded the  marks based on  their performance.

Finally the competition ended and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful involvement. 12 students participated in the competition and the names of the winners were declared. Students were motivated to take part in larger number in future.


On behalf of the Department of CS, the fourth Mentor Meeting for the odd semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 09.10.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. Since the mentor mentee composition is updated in every academic year, all the mentors asked the mentees to  introduce themselves  in the meeting. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.

Pledge on COVID-19

National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College appropriately conducted the event entitled ‘Pledge on COVID-19’ on 8th October 2020 to prompt and ascertain a promise against the pandemic. The event was held through google meet (The link for the event is meet.google.com/aay-ruth-vqy) between 11.15 a.m and 11.45 a.m. 38 NSS Volunteers, RRC volunteers and Program Officer took the pledge to aggressively fight against COVID 19.


On 07.10.2020, Ms.N.Sivashankari – 20230 of I B.Sc CS(SSS) as a part of  Peer Teaching taught 45 students of I B.Sc CS(SSS), C Programming, through Google Meet. The concept of Special characters in C language was explained by her. Through Live demonstration the various examples of implementing the special characters were explained to the students. The students clarified their doubts through a very interactive session.

Course Committee Meeting Minutes

The Department of Computer Science conducted a Course Committee Meeting on 05-10-2020 at 2.20 PM to get the students’ opinion and grievances, if any, regarding academics before the conduction of Internal test-I. In this meeting, wherein 27 students and 5 faculty members participated, the syllabus coverage of each course was discussed through Google meet and Google class room. Students gave valuable feedback and were assured that their inconveniences will be taken care of and academic standards will be maintained through Management decisions.


On 05.10.2020, Mr.Aathithyan.S.R – 20240 of I B.Sc CS(SSS) conducted a Peer Teaching session through Google Meet in C Programming for 46 students of I B.Sc CS(SSS). The concept of Arithmetic Operator in C language was explained by him. Through Live demonstration and examples, various arithmetic operators were explained to the students. The session was very helpful to the students and enabled them to practically do the various operatives.

Celebration of Gandhi Jeyanti

National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College enthusiastically celebrated the Gandhi Jeyanthi on 3rd October between 4.05 p.m. and 4.30.p.m at the Seminar Hall of our College. The Program officer Mr. R.Dhamotharan heartily welcomed the chief guest Dr.M.R.Jaya Krishnan, Special Correspondent, Win TV. The Guest enthusiastically addressed the gathering on “Gandhiji as a Journalist.” He instantly revealed several unknown facts about Gandhi ji and this highlighted his major contribution to the field of Journalism. 46 faculty members willingly participated in the program.


The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a Bridge course (Online Mode), as part of the Student Induction Programme, for the first year students from 18.09.2020 to 28.09.2020. The objective of the programme was to bridge the gap that would possibly exist between the academia and the newly joined MC&HM aspirants in terms of orienting their academic environ and partly eliminating the fear factor that might cripple their understanding into becoming qualitative Hospitality persons with a social responsibility. Mr. C. Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department addressed the students and informed the Rules and regulations, Department discipline, Academic details, Syllabus, Lesson plan, Attendance, the Department Activities for the Academic year 2020, and also introduced the faculty members and the Courses handled by them. He passed over the Bridge course manual, lesson plan, time table and attendance log sheet to the class representative. An Entry level Test was conducted for the students, following which, the respective staff members started their bridge course according to the schedule prepared by the Head of the Department. A few parents and Alumni interacted with the students. Finally, an Exit level Test was conducted. This two-week student enhancement and development programme was devised for the overall grooming and enhancement of the student fraternity with special emphasis for students from the rural and semi rural community.

Career Counseling Program on Opportunities in Networking Field

The Department of Networking organized a Career Counseling Program on Opportunities in Networking Field, for the I B.Sc. Networking students on 25th September, 2020. Ms B.Lakshmipriya, an Alumna spoke about the career path to be pursued and emphasized that students have to choose a career that is closed to their heart. Students got clarity about choosing a career and also the various opportunities in the Networking field. She urged them to opt for a career with self motivation and interest as this will lead to success and fulfillment of dreams. She further added that students must match their interest and skills with an aptly chosen career. Totally 16 students got benefited by this program.