Workshop on “Web designing using Bootstrap”

The department of Computer Science organized a two day workshop on “Web Designing using Bootstrap” from 19.7.2021 to 20.07.2021.The students form II & III B.Sc CS (SSS) participated in the workshop through Google Meet.  The resource person of the workshop was Mr.Subash, UI Developer, Amizhth Techno Solutions, Madurai. The welcome address was given by Ms.K.K.Subashree from III B.Sc CS (SSS). Ms.N.Anuradha, Head, CS Department delivered the felicitation address. She introduced the Chief Guest and explained the importance of learning web designing. The resource person delivered the web designing concepts like HTML, CSS, Java Script & Bootstrap. He interacted with the students and also cleared their doubts. At the end of 1st & 2nd day session, a task was assigned to the students to develop web pages.  Feedback about the workshop was collected from the students and participation certificate was issued to the students. Totally 94 students participated in the workshop. The workshop was very useful for the students to develop their Mini Project.

Eco Club-One day camp to watering the trees and plants

The Eco club members were assigned to watering the nearby trees and plants on 20th, July 2021 in Google Meet through Google Class room. Students from various departments participated in this programme. The student’s identified various trees and plants near to their home and watered it. 12 students participated in this camp.

Webinar on “Data Analysis Using Python Language”

The department of Networking conducted a Webinar on “Data Analysis Using Python Language” for II and III year students on July 18, 2021.With the blessings of the Almighty the webinar started with a welcome Address by Ms.R.V.Harshini-III B.Sc Networking. Inaugural address was given by Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal, Dr.K.Archunan; Vice Principal delivered the felicitation address. Then the special address was delivered by Dr.S.Priya, Dean Academics. Mr.M.Athigopal, Head of the Department, Networking introduced the chief guest. The resource person Mr.Nagakumar Kondisetti, CEO, DevSpark IT Solutions, Hyderabad clearly explained the role of python language in the area of Networking.He also emphasized the students about the courses in networking and their certification. He insisted the students upon developing their skill set to become employable. He also discussed about lots of job opportunities available in job market and how to search jobs through Naukri, Indeed. Then the interactive session started. Around 34 students got benefited by this webinar.Finally the session ended up with a vote of thanks by Ms.R.AarthiVasanthi-II B.Sc,Networking. The webinar concluded with the National Anthem.

Anitalk on Audio Production

The department of Animation and D.P. Roy Chaudhury Association jointly organized an Alumni Interaction programme on “Anitalk on Audio Production” on 17.07.2021 (Saturday) between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM through Google Meet.  The Programme commenced with a prayer song by Ms.Hemalatha of III year Animation and welcome address delivered by Mr.Saravanan, Assistant Professor, Department of Animation. The main objectives of the programme was explained by Mr.Kishore Kumar, Assistant Professor & Head i/c, Department of Animation. The Chief Guest of the event was Mr.Lakshmikanth,  Independent Music Composer and Singer, alumni of the department (2013-16 Batch). He addressed the students about the nook and corner of Audio Production in Films, Importance of Sound effects, Editing tools for Sound etc. He also emphasized the students that the Audio plays a vital role of the films especially during the creations of emotional sequences. The Students were very curious and actively participated. They clarified their doubts regarding the Audio Productions and the session ended with a positive feedback. Around 70 students participated in the programme.


The Medius Coronet Association of Visual Communication department conducted a webinar, Wildlife Photography for its students on 17.07.2021. Totally 40 students (II B.Sc-11, III B.Sc-26, II M.Sc-3) participated in the event.  The inaugural session was started by the inaugural address of our Principal Dr. R. Sujatha. Mr. C. Sathesh and Mr. Thillai Makadhan, Chief Guests of the day gave a lecture on Wildlife photography techniques. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Head Incharge, department of Visual Communication delivered the key note address. Ms. Illakiya M from III B.Sc Visual Communication proposed the vote of thanks and the webinar concluded with the National Anthem.

Wildlife Photography was the topic of the session, Mr. Sathesh and Mr. Thillai Makadhan gave an illuminating lecture on New technology Bit rates, Codec’s, Cinema camera and Lighting. The session was very beneficial to the students. They enthusiastically participated in this event and asked technical oriented questions, which were answered by the guest. The program was a grand success.

Career Counselling on Requisite Skills to become a successful person

The Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Career Counselling cell jointly organized a Career counselling session on requisite skill to become a successful person for the II&III B.Sc Food Science students on 16.07.2021 in F26 room through around 12.30pm Miss.S.Abinaya (Batch2018-21) Production Data Analyst, Ruby Food Products Pvt.Ltd, Madurai spoke about the requisite skills to become a successful person in this field. She said that the line of action should be initiated right from today for those with passion in this field. She also mentioned various opportunities available and the rewarding experiences that one can attain in this field. Totally 25 students of both the years participated in this interaction session. The topics of interaction were:

1.Higher studies

2. Placement

3. Current trends in food processing field


The Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Career Counselling cell jointly organized an Webinar  on Career opportunities in Food Processing Industry”  on 16.07.2021 through at F26 room Mr.Singaravadivel, Independent Director Tamilnadu food grains yard, Madurai was the resource person. He explained in detail about the various career opportunities skills and competencies needed for food processing industry. The Government schemes and technological developments related to food processing were also narrated in detail. This webinar would definitely help students to get an idea about start – ups through effective knowledge transfer. The session was interactive and the resource persons answered the participants queries related to the course. He also highlighted numerous opportunities and scope in the field of Food science and processing management. Totally 36 students of our department participated and got benefited in this program.


The Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Alumni cell jointly organized an Alumni interaction on job seeking in food science for the II&III B.Sc Food Science students on 16.07.2021 in F26 room through around 12.30pm. Miss.S.Abinaya  (Batch2018-21) Production Data Analyst, Ruby Food Products Pvt.Ltd, Madurai spoke about the requisite skills to become a successful person in this field. She said that the line of action should be initiated right from today for those with passion in this field. She also mentioned various opportunities available and the rewarding experiences that one can attain in this field. Totally 25 students of both the years were participated in this interaction session. The topics of interaction were:

  1. Higher studies
  2. Placement
  3. Current trends in food processing field

Webinar on “Color Grading using Da Vinci Resolve 17”

The Medius Coronet Association of Visual Communication department conducted a webinar on Color Grading for the students on 16.07.2021. Totally 38 students (II B.Sc-11, III B.Sc-24, II M.Sc-3) participated in this event. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Head Incharge, Department of Visual Communication, inaugurated the session and spoke about the College and the Department. Mr. K. S. Gowtham and Mr. Ravindran Kanagaraj, Chief Guests of the day gave lectures on color grading and the job opportunities available. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal delivered the Presidential address and Ms. K. S. Sujatha from III B.Sc Visual Communication, proposed the vote of thanks and the webinar concluded with the National Anthem.

The participants were enthusiastically focused and asked many technical questions. The program was a grand success among the students, emphasizing and anticipating for many more such webinars.


The Department of Computer Science (SSS) inaugurated the department Association “TechnoFest” and also celebrated KarmaveerarKamarajar birthday on 15.07.2021 from 3.00 – 4.00 PM. Students from II & III B.Sc CS (SSS) participated the event through the Google Meet.Mr.ThirupathyRajan from III B.Sc CS welcomed the gathering. Mrs.Anuradha, HoD of B.Sc CS (SSS) inauguratedthe department association “TechnoFest”. The Association members and Secretaries were elected for the academic year 2021 -2022. The details of secretary and Association members were mentioned below.

In order to celebrate the birthday of KarmaveerarKamarajar, several events like drawing, oratory, Verse Writing and Essay Writing were conducted.The comparing was done by Ms.Saraswathy.T.N and Ms.Ramya.R from III B.Sc CS.Students were participated in the events with enthusiastic manner. Mr.Sekereswaran from III B.Sc CS (SSS) outlined various incidents of kamarajar’s life and his service in eradicating illiteracy in tamilnadu. Finally the vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.Pranava Kumar, III B.Sc CS (SSS).

Association Members

  1. Yuvashree(20229)                    – II B.Sc CS(SSS)
  2. Shahithya (20213)                    – II B.Sc CS(SSS)
  3. Badri Narayanan (20239)       – II B.Sc CS(SSS)
  4. NivedhaV (20209)                    – II B.Sc CS(SSS)
  5. Nivedha N (20228)                   – II B.Sc CS(SSS)

Secretary of Association  

Ms.A.M. Swetha (19219)                           – III B.Sc CS(SSS)

Join Secretary of the Association

 Ms. K.K.Subashree (19218)                   – III B.Sc CS(SSS)