ZEAL Association of Department of BBA in association with SLCS’s Institute Innovation Council (IIC) organized a One-day Workshop on “Innovative Digital Marketing with Reference to YOUTUBE” for the students, Faculty and Research scholars of various Institutions in the auditorium on 02.12.2022. Mr. J. Keerthi Vasan, Assistant Director and VFX Artist, TALENTWOOD, Madurai, was the resource person for the workshop. Mr. J. Keerthi Vasan explained on creating a Business Plan, creating a YouTube channel and how to keep our channel relevant. He finally explained the YouTube business model and the scope of starting a channel on YouTube. By this one-day workshop the faculty and students had a great idea on Digital Marketing. Totally, 57 students of I BBA, 31 Students of II BBA, 18 Students from various departments of SLCS, 46 participants from various engineering colleges eagerly participated in the program.