To commemorate “World Food Day – 16th October, 2021” Culinary Club of Marine Catering Hotel Management & Health and Nutrition Club of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management celebrated the World Food Day on the theme of “Our Action and Our Future” through this link ( Mr.R.Viswam, final year student, Dept. of MCHM welcomed the gathering. A special speech on World Food Day was given by Ms.Jegadeeswari of III B.Sc FSPM & Mr.Jeyasurya of III B.Sc MCHM. The main aim of this program was to enlighten the spirit of the World food Day. Various competitions like Quiz and Poster presentation were conducted for the students. They were motivated not to waste food highlighting the wastage of money and efforts which is not good for anyone. Ms.P.Harine of III B.Sc FSPM delivered a valedictory speech about the importance of World Food Day. Around 70 students of both the departments participated and got benefited in this program. At the end of the session, feedback was collected from the students and the analysis showed that most of them were highly satisfied with this program.