Department of Computer Science(Security System Specialization) organized a session on Webinar-RDBMS and its security privilegeforII B.Sc CS (SSS) on 23/03/2023. Dr. E. Ramanujam, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India acted as the resource person. ARUL P, II B. Sc CS (SSS), welcomed the gathering. The presidential address was delivered by Dr. K. Archunan, Vice Principal. The keynote address was given by Mrs. D. Padmapriya, Head of the Department.The chief guest introduction was delivered by Dr.R.Bagavathi Lakshmi, Assistant Professor. The resource person explained the RDBMS and its security privilege.She explained job opportunities in databasedomain by sharing her own experience. Totally 29 studentsparticipated in the event and they made the event interactive and got all the doubts clarified. Finally, vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Divya R, II B.Sc. CS (SSS).