FAGAS, an association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management& EDP Cell jointly organized an Webinar entitled “How to become an Entrepreneur” on 19.10.2021 through this link https://meet.google.com/lookup/fcfel7kuiq?authuser=0&hs=179 between 6.00 and 6.30 pm. The resource person of this webinar is Mr.Jim waltre, trainer for IBPS& Financial Adviser explained about the steps involved in getting the loan to start a small scale industry. He also enlightened the students about the loan formalities and procedures to start a business which is a part of Food Entrepreneurship & Food Regulation and Plant Management course. This webinar would definitely help students to get an idea about getting a loan for starting up a small scale enterprise. The session was interactive and the resource persons answered the participant’s queries. Totally 36 students of our department (I, II and III year students )got benefited from this webinar. The feedback of this webinar was collected from the students and the feedback showed that the students were highly satisfied with this webinar.