The Departments of Computer Science and Networking jointly conducted a Value Added Course on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” for students of III Year Computer Science and Networking from 02.05.2022 to 06.05.2022. Mr.Nanu swamy, President, Maxelerator Foundation with his team members trained the students. Students were trained in the working principles of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Python Programming. The hands-on sessions were conducted for the students which helped them to create projects and products using various AI & ML Algorithms. The students were divided into 06 teams under different names and Logos. Practical tasks were assigned by the trainers on a daily basis. All the teams developed products using AI & ML Concepts. Totally 62 students got benefited through this program (Computer Science: 40, Networking: 22) .This program would enhance the employability of the students. The Valedictory program was conducted wherein the students demonstrated their developed projects and explained their work through presentations. Certificates were distributed to the students and feedback was collected.