On 23rd September, 2021, Student Induction Program was organized for the first year students of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science. The program is arranged for the students and their parents to familiarize with the institution and make them comfortable. The program was planned and conducted with around 380 members per session.

The program coordinators Mr. P Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Assistant Professor of Animation and Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep, Assistant Professor, MBA arranged two sessions by considering the students strength. The various committees of the Program enhanced the comfortability of the parents and the students with the help of the management.

The first session of the day, started with the lighting of the panchamuga lamp by the Principal, Vice Principal, Dean Academics, Chief Guest and a volunteer from Parents side. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. S Priya, Dean Academics, SLCS. Dr. K Archunan, Vice Principal, SLCS, gave his views on Punctuality to the freshers. Mr. P. Kishore Kumar, Head/ Department of Animation introduced the Chief Guest Mr. Baburajan, Program Head- TCS, Chennai. The Chief Guest insisted on the idea of Self Education and its importance. Dr. R Sujatha, Principal, SLCS, presented a detailed presentation about the College and the departments to the gathering. Mrs. R Suganthi Hepzibha, IQAC Assistant Coordinator cum Assistant Professor of English, briefed the rules and regulations of the college. Finally, Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep, Department of MBA proposed the vote of thanks.

The second session of induction program was started with the lighting of the panchamuga lamp by the Principal, Vice Principal, Dean Academics, Chief Guest and a volunteer from Parents side. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. S Priya, Dean Academics, SLCS. Dr. K Archunan, Vice Principal, SLCS, gave his views on Punctuality to the freshers. Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep, Department of MBA introduced the Chief Guest Mr. Rajaseelan from SUCLA. He insisted the students about the importance of education in today’s world. He also stated that education plays a vital role throughout our life. Followed by the Chief Guest, Dr. R Sujatha, Principal, SLCS, introduced the departments and faculty members to the gathering through a detailed power point presentation. Mrs. K. P. Maheswari, IQAC Assistant Coordinator cum Assistant Professor of English, briefed the rules and regulations of the college. Finally, Mrs. N. Selvi, Department of Tamil proposed the vote of thanks.