The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized, (SLCS-Samaaj Seva), an outreach activity on “An awareness program on the Impact of Traditional Food Culture and donating food to the Rural Women” at Mallankinaru, Virdhunagar Dist. on 17.5.22. Three Marine catering and Hotel Management department faculty members and 15 students visited the Place. Mr.K.Perumal Kannan, Asst.Professor delivered a speech in which he said that Food is the linchpin of society and it creates a connection between our belief, ethnicity, individual cultures and our cultural heritage. On a larger scale most people realize that food is not just a part of the culture it can reflect our cultural values and also explains that traditional food is definitely tastier than other healthy food. Many of the traditional foods have fewer calories and helpful for weight control and it has less saturated fat, therefore, it is much better for the heart. Many essential oils and vitamins are present only in the traditional food. The food packets prepared by our students were distributed to 70 rural women in the village. At the end of the Program the rural community have appreciated the efforts made by the students and the coordinator.