ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, along with Institution’s Innovation Council- SLCS conducted a Session on “Problem Solving and Ideation Workshop” on 09.12.2022. Mr. R. Ramachandran, Field Coordinator, EDII Hub, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, was the chief guest. He discussed the various problems that are expected during business operations when they have a start-up company. He further explained the major difference between start-up & entrepreneurship and various steps involved in start-up such as Ideation, Pre – Incubation, Incubation and Acceleration. He discussed the various strategies to identify and forecast problems during our business and out of the box thinking for problem solving. Finally, he discussed the various feasibilities such as Technical, Financial and Marketing Feasibilities for making a start – up company. Totally, 48 students of I BBA, 30 Students of II BBA eagerly participated in the program.