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The Women Empowerment Cell & Women Health Care Centre of SLCS celebrated the International Women’s Equality Day 2022 by conducting a“One Day Seminar on Women’s Rights & Equality” in the auditorium of our college premises on 26.08.2022 (Friday) at 11.00AM – 12.30PM.

The Event commenced with the welcome address by Mrs. H. Geetha, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Tamil, and Coordinator of the Women Empowerment Cell & Women Health Care Centre. Dr. R. Sujatha,delivered the Presidential Address &Dr. S.Priya, Dean-Academics introduced the Chief Guest, Mrs. BimlaChandrasekaran,Director – EKTA Resource for Women, Madurai.

She addressed that “Women’s make up half of the civilization and humans owe their existence to the womenfolk. We are born and brought up by them and our society and civilization would collapse without them. Women play a major role in all walks of life is it social, economic or political. Studies show that increased women’s participation in public life helps the country and society develop.Though Indian women got the right to vote ever since Independence, they still lack social, financial and political representation in society to date.Our nation cannot develop to its potential if we keep half of its population – the womenfolk – behind several social and cultural barriers.Women’s economic empowerment is a must for our economic growth and overall development of the nation and the sooner we realize it the better it will be for the country.

At last, the vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Sridevi, Asst., Prof., Dept. of English. Totally, 350 students from all the departments were participated in the Seminar and were benefitted.

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