The Department of Networking celebrated “National Girl Child Day 2023” on January 24, 2023. The session started with the prayer song. Mr.M.Athigopal, HOD/AP, Department of Networking, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest, Mrs. Neela, HOD/AP, Department of Hindi, SLCS, and Madurai. Our Chief Guest gave an intellectual lecture on National World Child Day, which is observed to raise awareness about the rights of girls, support the nation’s girl children, eliminate gender biases, and emphasise the importance of education, health, and nutrition. Faculty came from various departments to celebrate the occasion. The Felicitation address was delivered by Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics, SLCS. Totally, 47 students were benefited from this seminar. The vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. N. P. Rajeswari, AP/Department of Networking and the session ended with the National Anthem.