“Consumer Evasion and Protection of Rights” – Seminar was conducted on 28.12.2021 by the NSS and IQAC of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science. Selvan. K.Hariharan, II B.Com (B&I) welcomed the gathering.

Principal Dr. R. Sujatha delivered the Presidential Address by sharing her own experience in protecting our rights in consumer evasion. Vice Principal Dr.K.Archunan and Dean – Academics Dr. S. Priya delivered the Felicitation address.

The technical session was handled by Shri. Srinivasan, Advocate, Madurai High Court, Shri. Govindarajan, District Member, ABGP, Dr. Murali Basker, District Member, ABGP and Shri Kulothunga Maniyan, State Secretary, ABGP. The NSS, RRC, YRC and many interested participated in this session. The resource person shared about the consumer evasion and protection of rights in consuming products, food items and even in medicinal items.

The sessions were really an eye-opener to all the participants. Selvan. N. R. Koushik, II B.Com (B&I) proposed the Vote of Thanks. Many faculty members also participated in the session. Totally 204 students and 6 faculty members attended the session.