The Department of Fire & Industrial Safety organized a Safety Awareness Program –cum-Workshop on 03.05.2018. Dr.S.Tamilselvan Ph.D, (Industrial Safety), Anna University was the Resource Person. The program started at 10.30am in the M.B.A hall and the welcome speech was given by Mr.V.N.Devkumar HOD, Department of Fire & Industrial Safety. The Chief Guest, Dr.S.Tamilselvan, lucidly explained the future growth of Safety and the demand for Safety Professionals in various fields. He also gave useful tips for the participants regarding the job opportunities in Safety in various sectors. Later a practical session was conducted at the RLINS ground by the HOD of Fire & Industrial Safety to create awareness among the participants on handling of Safety Equipments. At the end of the program an Interactive session was conducted and the Resource Person clarified the queries of the Participants. The feedback from the Students who participated in the program was good and the program ended with the Vote of Thanks.