The Department of Animation conducted the Parents Teacher Meeting for the I, II&III Year Animation students on 09.09.2023 between 02.00pm and 04.30pm.Mr. P. Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Assistant Professor welcomed the audience with welcome address. The main aim of the meeting was to create a common platform, where teachers and parents come together to discuss student’s performance and devise ways to enrich their learning experience. The Parents were informed about the Academic Performance of the Students (Course wise) in the Continuous Internal Assessment – I(2023-24oddsemester). They also informed regarding the Attendance and the Status of the Assignment submissions of individual student. Parents were encouraged to appreciate student’s participation in all academic activities. The PTM came to an end with the conclusion that the progress and development of the students depend on the joint efforts of parents and teachers. The Vote of thanks was proposed and the Feedback was collected.
Sl.No. | Class | Total No. of Students | Present | Absent |
1. | I Year (2023-26) | 22 | 22 | – |
2. | II Year (2022-25) | 32 | 32 | – |
3. | III Year (2021-24) | 23 | 23 | – |