Department of Fire & Industrial Safety organized a training program on “Basic First Aid”. The training was conducted by Tamil Nadu Apex Skill Development Centre for Healthcare from 17.1.2023 to 19.1.2023. Dr. PRAVEEN JACOB and his trainers- Mr. BalaSubramani, Mr. Anand, Mr. Karthic, Mr. Jananayagan, were the resource person for the training program. The resource person practically demonstrated the basics of first aid practices that are to be followed during the emergency for an affected victim. The students felt that the program was very useful to them and at the end of training program an interactive session was arranged to clear the doubts of the students. Totally, 29 students from I, II & III year Fire and Industrial safety eagerly participated in the training program.

Outreach Activity (SLCS Samaaj Seva) – Awareness Programme on “Vrkshaaropan Kaaryakram”

Lakshaya Association, Department of MBA, organized an Outreach Activity (SLCS Samaaj Seva) on “Vrkshaaropan Kaaryakram” on 18th January 2023, at 10:30 a.m. at RN Middle School, T. Pudhupatti Village, Madurai. The event was organized to create awareness on tree plantation and its impact on the environment. The students planted various trees within the school campus . Totally, 29 MBA students participated in the activity. Dr. R. Sivajothi and Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep were the coordinators.

National Youth day 2023

Department of Languages & Extra Curricular Cell in association with SLCS- Institution’s Innovation Council organized a Talent Exposure program for students to celebrate “National Youth Day 2023” on 13.01.2023 at 11 am at our college premises. Mr. Madurai Muthu, a leading stand-up comedian from Madurai is invited as the chief guest for the celebration. The objective of this event is to make the students understand the importance and contribution of exposing their talents and extra-curricular activities for the betterment of their future and celebrate young generation as a wealth that cannot be ceased. Totally, 28 students and 4 faculty members participated in the program. Students enjoyed a lot and made the day a memorable one.

SLCS- Samaaj Seva – an Extension Activity on “National Youth Day”

National Youth Day is celebrated every year on 12th January, to remark the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda and his contribution to India’s freedom movement and regeneration of nationalism, which is immense on the occasion of this celebration. The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an extension activity to create awareness among the school students on “Consuming Alcohol and Smoke Free Environment” on 12.1.23. As a part of the extension activity, 3 faculty members and 10 students from II MC&HM actively participated and created awareness for school students. They got an insight into how the young generation of today’s world can lead a fulfilling life by following Swami Vivekananda’s thoughts. They were also taught to meditate in order to experience peace and happiness in their day-to-day life. The main objective behind the celebration is to create a better future for the country by motivating the youth and spreading the ideas of the Swami Vivekananda. The activity of the students is appreciated by the school Principal and teachers.

Webinar on “Principles of Investing”

Royal Charter Association of Commerce (Honours) ACCA organized a Webinar on “Principles of Investing” on 12.01.2023 (Thursday) at 2.30 PM, through Google Meet (link: The Resource Person, Mrs. Marina Jose Kanjikal, BSE-Investor Protection FUND (BSE-IPF), insisted that the program is to introduce students into the world of investing, with emphasis on how to choose the right company and highlighting the common mistakes made by the investors. Totally, 42 students participated and got benefitted through this program.

Inter-departmental Competition on “National Youth Day”

Hospitality Education Network (HEN) Association of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management and the Ministry of Tourism (Yuva Tourism Club) together conducted an Inter-departmental competition as part of the celebration for “National Youth Day” on 11.01.2023. Students from various departments (148 students) actively participated in the competitions like Rangoli, Connections, Pencil Art, and Tongue Twister. K. R. Bhavadharshini and S. Kavya,III ACCA, took first place, and  R. Sophiya and   T. Aksara, I FSPM, took second place in the Rangoli Competition. R. Ishwarya Prabha, III B.Com (Hons) took first place, and K. R. Trishika, II B.Com. (B&I) took second place for Pencil Art Competition. B. Bhargavi, I CS(SSS)  took first place, and M. Bala Meenakshi, I CS (SSS) took second place in the Tongue-Twister Competition. A. Lishalini and K S Tharani, I CS (SSS) took first place, and B. Bhargavi and V. S. Darsita, I CS (SSS) took second place in the Connections Competition.


Department of Networking and Computer Science together conducted three days workshop on “Software Testing” from 09.01.2023 to 11.01.2023. The session started with the prayer song. Mrs. D.Padmapriya, HoD, Department of Computer Science, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest, Mr. Nagakumar Kondisetti, Managing Director, Devspark IT Solution, Hyderabad. Our Chief Guest gave an intellectual lecture on Selenium Testing, one of the popular software testing frameworks for web applications. It allows you to automate web application testing and serves as an open source testing tool. He also covered the basics of test planning and case design for advanced topic Selenium-Web Driver. Totally, 63 students were benefited through this workshop (12 students from III year Networking and 51 students from III year Computer Science).

“Orientation Session of the Institutions’ Innovation Council (IIC5.0) for the academic year 2022-23” On 11.01.2023

The Ministry of Education organized an Orientation Session of the Institutions’ Innovation Council (IIC 5.0) for the academic year 2022-23 on 11.01.2023.  The program was organized in our college by SLCS– Institution’s Innovation Council as a live stream through YouTube platform. Mr. Dipan Sahu, Assistant Innovation Director, MOE’s Cell, was the speaker. He discussed the current statistics regarding the Indian Innovation Ecosystem, National Education Policy 2020 and methods of institutionalizing innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in Higher Educational Institutions. He also explained the objectives, roles, and responsibilities of the state-level forum for IICs. In total, 79 students and 31 faculty members from various departments eagerly participated in the program.


                                     The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on DATA ANALYTICS USING PYTHON” for 34 students of II B.Sc CS (SSS) – Batch 2021 – 2024 from 05.01.2023 & 06.01.2023 & 09.01.2023 to 11.01.2023. Mr.Shaliya, & Mr.Nagakumar Kondisetti.M, CEO, Devspark IT Solutions, Hyderabad were the trainers. They trained the students in the domain of Programming concepts in Python and demonstrated using the tools of Python..

This training program equips the students to master significant concepts of Python and implement its various tools. Students got an in-depth Understanding of Python and their application based tools. The students were actively participated in this value added course and got benefited.

Career Counseling Session on “Inculcating Ethical Values in Students”

Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Career Counseling cell jointly organized a career counseling session on “Inculcating Ethical Values in Students” for II & III FSPM Students. Mr. C. Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department, MCHM, acted as the career counsellor. He enlightened the students on the foundations of a career practice, i.e., ethics and honesty. He exclaimed ‘Ethics’ as career practitioners, which is based on a competency model that defines professional behaviour, interpersonal competence, career development knowledge, and needs assessment and referral. He also encouraged the students by presenting a small gift to              Ms. M. Karthiga Devi, I FSPM, for her good observation of the session. Totally, 19 students participated in this session.