Value Added Course – ‘Health Insurance’

The Department of Commerce (B&I) conducted a value-added course on ‘Health Insurance’ for the students of I year B.Com,(B&I). Dr. Raja, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce B&I, and Mr. N. Arunkumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce B&I, were invited as the resource person and the session was held between Apr 20 to 25, 2023. The syllabus of Insurance Institute of India has been used a reference for this course. This session enhanced a clear understanding of health, health systems and health insurance in India. It also elaborated the various health insurance products available in the market and its features. Students were given a chance to clarify their doubts regarding claims for health insurance. Furthermore, they came forward to discuss the health insurance underwriting process and its difficulties. This session has created awareness about career prospects in health insurance in India. Totally, 80 students from I.B.Com, (B&I) got benefitted from this value added course on ‘Health Insurance.”

Board of studies meeting 2023-24

The Department of Commerce (B&I) conducted the Board of Studies meeting for the academic year 2023–24 (Odd Semester on April 18, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at F32 Hall. The syllabus for I, III & V semester for the batches 2023-2026, 2022-2025, and 2021-2024 was presented by Mrs. V. Padmavathy, Head of the Department, B.Com. B&I., Panel members gave valuable inputs to the updated syllabus to match industrial requirements for the current scenario. Furthermore, the members of the meeting discussed the various important aspects of the course to meet the employability skills of the student. All the members of the meeting appreciated the syllabus and agreed to proceed.

Memorandum of Understanding with Indian Institute of Banking and Finance

On behalf of the Department of Commerce (Banking, and Insurance),Dr.R. Lakshmipathy, President of Subblakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and Mrs. S. Vahitha, Assistant Director, IIBF and Mr. Ravi Gupta, Organizational Development Officer, IIBF jointly signed the Memorandum of Understanding on April 19, 2023 at 10.30 a.m.  Mrs.V. Padmavathy, Head of the Department of Banking and Insurance represented the department during the agreement of the MOU to proceed.


The Department of Computer  Science( Security system Specialisation)  Organised a Value added course on “COMPTIA SECURITY PLUS ”for I B.Sc., (CS) students from 20.03.2023  to 23.03.2023 and from 17.04.23 to 21.04.23(EVEN SEMESTER).The  Inauguration  was  organised on 20.03.2023 at seminar hall at 10:30am under the guidance of  Head of the Department Mrs.D.PadmaPriya.The session started at 11:30 am  with the brief  Introduction on importance of  Network  Hardware  its software and  implementation of  Network  . Mr.Aravinth and.Mr.Ajith Director of Pro Vectra Techno soft Pvt. Ltd., Chennai were the trainers for the course of Comptia security plus. Security Policy , Threat Actors, Social Engineering, Phishing & Types of Malware Vulnerability Scanning and Pen Tests were explained by the trainers. IP address, classes and technologies of network algorithm were also taught. The exam was conducted on 21.04.23 at Academics Lab-I.

No. of students Benefited = 59 (I B.Sc.  CS) Batch: 2022-2025.

Career counseling on “Job Opportunities in Carnival Cruise Line”

   Alumni                : Mr. RAJAMANI RAVIKUMAR (Batch 2014-2017)    Occupation       : Assistant Cook, Carnival Cruise Line    Beneficiary       : II MCHM (29 STUDENTS)

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organised a Career Counseling programme on “Job Opportunities in Carnival Cruise Line”. Mr. Rajamani Ravikumar, alumnus of the departmnet interacted with all the students (a total of 29 students) on 8.5.23. He is a former student of the department and is working as an assistant cook for Carnival Cruise Line. He created awareness among the students about the job opportunities at the Cruise Line Shipping Company. He shared about how cruise ship employers consider the age, English skills, and background of the applicant when they are selecting the employee, and added that cruise ship job salary rates are typically based on the standard of living in the employee’s home country. For example, salary for a second or third cook will be US$800 per month. He further emphasized that if an applicant has a couple of years working experience in a restaurant kitchen and also have a culinary education, it will help him to get promotion quicker. To put in a nutshell, this program boosted students’ confidence and helped them to understand the process of selecting a candidate for a cruise line shipping company.

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Board of Studies Meeting

Board of Studies Members:

  1. Dr.S.Praveen Kumar – University Nominee
  2. Mr. Lt.Praveen K – Course Expert
  3. Mrs. Shraddha Rao – Industrial Expert
  4. Chef M.S.Rajmohan – Alumnus

Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted Board of Studies Meeting via online on 8.5.2023 at 2.30 p.m. Dr.S.Praveen Kumar, Assistant Professor, Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, chaired the session as the University Nominee, Mr.Lt.Praveen. K, Asst. Professor, JDT Islam College of Arts and science, Kozhikode, has been invited as the Course Expert, Mrs. Shraddha Rao, Assisstant Training Manager, Courtyard by Marriott, Madurai, as the Industrial Expert and Chef M.S.Rajmohan, Head – Dept of HM&CS, G.T.N. Arts College (Autonomous), Dindigul, attended the meeting as an Alumnus. Mr. C. Sureshkumar, Head of the Department represented the department as the Chairperson along with his faculty members. A student and his parent were invited to share their valid feedback and recommendations for finalizing the syllabi for the academic year 2023-24 odd Semester.





Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and IP Management for Start Up”

ZEAL Association, Department of BBA along with the Institution’s Innovation Council – SLCS, organized a “Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and IP Management for Start-Up” on 02.05.2023Dr. K. S. Karthik Babu, Assistant Professor, R L Institute of Management Studies, Madurai has been invited as the guest speaker.  The chiefguest elaborated the concept of Intellectual Property Rights and the objective for developing IPR. He further discussed the various types of IPR such as Patent Rights, Copyrights, Trade Marks, Trade Secret and also about Geographical Indications and its applications. He also provided numerous examples from the market with respect to Intellectual Property Rights. In total, 26 Students from II BBA and 54 Students from I BBA participated in the exposure visit.

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Honouring workers and labourers observing “International Labour Day”

ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, organized an outreach activity as a part of SLCS Samaaj Seva – Outreach Activity – Honouring workers and labours Observing “International Labour Day” on 01.05.2023 at Vaigai Reservoir Dam, Theni District. The purpose of this visit is to honour labourers and workers on this day. The students carried banners and posters to raise awareness on the rights of working people and to protect them from exploitation. This activity also served as a reminder for the important role played by the working class to the society. In total, 24 students from II BBA actively participated in the program.


The IQAC & Faculty Induction Program Cell of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai, jointly organized a Faculty Development Program on DISCOVER YOUR SELF” on 24.04.2023, 25.04.2023, 26.04.2023, 27.04.2023, 28.04.2023 & 01.05.2023 in the College premises. Mr. Vamsidhari Dasa, was the Resource persons. Mrs. R. Suganthi Hepzibha, IQAC Assistant Coordinator, welcomed the gathering. Mr. Balarama Govinda Dasa, the Chairman of Thanga Mayil Jewelry delivered the inaugural address. The Principal, Dr. R. Sujatha, delivered the Presidential Address.

Mr. Vamsidhari Dasa enriched the faculty members on the topics the Game of Life, Inner Self, Ultimate Genius, Manual of Life, Lasting Solutions, Real Eternal Love, The Happy Planet, True Unity in Diversity and Sublime Joy Through Sound. He also clarified the doubts regarding the topics.

The session was really an eye opener for all the faculty members. Totally, 68 faculty members participated in the FDP. Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep, Assistant Professor of MBA proposed the Vote of Thanks.

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Visit to Keezhadi Archeological Musuem- Observing “World Heritage Day” on 20.04.2023

ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, organized an outreach activity as a Visit to Keezhadi Archeological Musuem- Observing “World Heritage Day” on 20.04.2023 at Kondhagai, Sivagangai District. The purpose of this visit is to protect and enhance Cultural Heritage of India and to know the life style of our ancient Sangam Civilization. The students noticed and observed the various life style patterns, trade, culture, weaving methods, civilization of the people who lived along the banks of Vaigai River some 4000 years ago. Students of I and II BBA promoted the importance of protecting and maintaining Cultural Heritage by slogans and posters. In total, 20 students from I BBA and 31 students from II BBA eagerly participated in the program.

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