The Department of IT & Networking organized WORLD POPULATION DAY on 11thJuly,2016.The session was started with the prayer song. E.Arunachalam of II B.Sc Networking welcomed the gathering. Our venerated Vice Principal Mr.K.Archunan inaugurated the event with his views about population. He said that if population increases, the need of food is also increased. So the production of yield also must be increased.

Mr.C.Ranjith Kumar Head of the Department of IT & Networking delivered Felicitation address through his informative speech. He also said that because of excess population, young generations are without jobs. Then, M.Kirubakaran of II B.Sc Networking illustrated the causes for the population by highlighting the point “illiterate is the main reason for rapid population growth”.

M.N.Arun Kumar of II B.Sc Networking provided a statistical report about population by saying that the China is the most populated country in the world. R.Thirunavukarasu of II B.Sc IT explained about the population growth & their impacts through some video clippings. Vote of thanks has been delivered by A.Muthu Shenbaga Leela of III B.Sc Networking. The event has been concluded with the National Anthem.

Workshop on Content Management System using WordPress

In today’s modern world E-Commerce websites like Flipkart, Snapdeal and Amazon are developed only through the CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Therefore  We, the department of Computer Science, organized a workshop for the students of III B.Sc Computer Science on “CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING WORDPRESS on 27-06-2016 and 28-06-2016.

Mr.J.P.Rajganesh and Mr.N.Balaji of III B.Sc Computer Science acted as resource persons and trained students on CMS using WordPress.

The trainers gave step by step procedures to the students, beginning from sample website sites Creations, database connectivity and hosting the site in the server for free of cost.

As the Students gained knowledge to develop websites easily in Word press, they successfully hosted their own profile web pages at the end of work shop.

Every one gave a positive feedback on this workshop and the trainers are honored by giving prizes and memento for their valuable contribution and making this workshop a grant success.

International Drug Abusing Day – 27th June 2016

The Department of IT & Networking organized INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST DRUG ABUSE on 27th June 2016.The session was started with the prayer song. Ms. D.Muthu Abinaya of II B.Sc Networking welcomed the gathering. Our adored Vice Principal Mr.K.Archunan inaugurated the event with his views about drugs. He made the students understood that drugs are injurious to health & he also said that most of the teenagers are consuming drugs nowadays. He also advised the students not to consume it.

Mr.C.Ranjith Kumar Head of the Department of IT & Networking delivered Special address through his clear and enlightening speech. He also said about the drug use by the people in day today life with examples such as Ephidrine & Acitaminophine. Then, M.Kirubakaran of II B.Sc Networking provided a statistical report about various disadvantages of drugs. Mainly he highlighted that the highest drukers are living in Mizoram.

K.Aravindhan of III B.Sc Networking explained the students view about the consumption of drugs through an audio clipping. The students and staffs took pledge on drug abuse as “I hereby my concern over the growing drug problem among the people in the world and pledge my support to speak out publicly whenever possible to encourage all people to find out the truth about drugs and make their own decisions to be drug-free environment”.

Workshop on “ Data Structure WITH C and C++”

Our Department had organized a department level one week work shop (4-6-2016 to 8-6-2016) on programming in DATA STRUCTURES WITH C & C++ as a VALUE added course for second year Computer Science Students.

The resource person, MR.VASU, Technical Consultant, Falcon System & Services, Chennai really did his best to the students on the topics such as binary tree, linked list, pointers, tree traversal and with other simple programs.

All the 23 students gave a good feedback about the resource person and they said they gained more knowledge in C and C++ programming concept and convey their thanks to our Management, Principal, Hod and faculty members for their direct support on their progress.

Various faculty members of our department too attended the session during their free hours. They too gave a good feedback.

Our Department had organized a workshop on programming in DATA STRUCTURES WITH C & C++ for second year Computer Science Students.

The resource person really did his best to the students on the topics such as binary tree, linked list, pointers, tree traversal and with other simple programs.

The students gave a good feedback about the resource person and they said they gained more knowledge in C and C++ programming concept.

They too convey their thanks to our management, principal, hod and faculty members for their direct support on their progress.

Various faculty members of our department too attended the session during their free hours. They too gave a good feedback.

Career Guidance Program

A Career Guidance Program was organized in Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, on 21st May 2016. Students, who completed +2 from the Krishnamal Ramasubbaiyer School Madurai, were invited along with their parents for the Career Guidance Program.

Principal SLCS, Dr.R.L.Ramnath, welcomed the gathering. He congratulated the staff members and the students for producing good result in the HSC Examination. He also congratulated the parents for taking effort to attend the Career Guidance Program for their children’s future.

President SLF Dr.R.Lakshmipathy delivered his Presidential Address. He highlighted the courses in our college. He also advised the parents and the students to select the best college with job oriented courses. In addition to that he also informed the infrastructure in SLCS.

Followed by the President, all the Department Heads informed the importance, openings, placements and the infrastructure of their department labs. Head Department of Tamil Mr.P.Senthil Kumaran gave the Vote of Thanks.

After the program, the parents and the students were taken for a campus tour to know about the infrastructure of the departments. Around 100 students along with their parents participated and benefited by the Career Guidance Program. On the whole the Career Guidance Program ended up in a productive manner.

Workshop on PC to Network

On 12th & 13th May 2016, Department of IT & Networking organized 2 days “Workshop on PC to Network” for +2 students. 176 Students from various places like Chennai, Kadalur, Pondicherry, Madurai, Sivakasi, Sivagangai were participated.

The Day1 session was started with the prayer song & lightening of Kuthuvizhaku. Mr.C.Ranjith Kumar, HoD, Department of IT & Networking Welcomed the gathering. Our Principal, Dr.R.L.Ramnath Inaugurated the workshop with his wonderful speech. Mr.M.Athigopal, Asst.Professor, Dept of IT & Networking gave an introduction about the workshop. The students were trained with PC Hardware Devices & PC Assembling. The students learnt Assembling & De- Assembling of PC practically & they also participated in the Contest. Mr.C.Ranjith Kumar delivered a speech on “IT Infrastructure Industry”.

On the second day, the participants were taught with the following concepts, System Configuration by Mr.K.G.Bala Krishnan (III B.Sc Networking), Network types & Network Devices by Mr.Prawin Kumar (III B.Sc Networking), Cloud Computing by Mr.T.Thulasiram & Mr.Sasi Kumar (III B.Sc Networking), Network Timeline Contest was conducted by Mr.Aravindhan, Mr.Bala Murugan & Mr.Karthick Raja (III B.Sc Networking).

Mr.M.Avinash kannan, Technical Support Engineer, Power Centre Pvt., Ltd Chennai, explained about the Career & Job Opportunities in Networking. The participants cleared their queries.

The participants were taken for a campus tour around the college campus. Certificates were given for the participants. Prizes for PC Assembling and De – Assembling contest and Timeline contest were given for the winners. Vote of thanks was given by Ms.V.Jeyaletchumi, Asst.Professor, IT & Networking. The program came to an end with National Anthem.

Mobile Apps Development Workshop

Department of Computer Science organized workshop on “Mobile Apps Development” for the +2 completed students on 07 & 08 May 2016. The workshop was started with prayer song. Ms.Sruthi Lakshmi, III B.Sc CS welcomed the gathering. Our president Dr.R.Lakshmipathy delivered the presidential address and he advised the students to choose the job oriented courses. Our principal, Dr.R.L.Ramnath delivered the felicitation address and explained the courses in our college. The trainer Mr.M.Senthilkumar, Senior Research Engineer, Qualcomm Pvt Ltd, Bangalore enlightened the career opportunities in software industry. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Department of Computer science shared about the curriculum, workshops and placement details about the department. Nearly 135 students from various schools participated in the workshop. The participants attended workshop for 2 days and got cleared their doubts from the trainer. The training on “Mobile application development softwares” was given by the trainer. All workshop arrangements were done by Asst Professors Mr.S.Pandikumar & Mr.C.Balaji Viswanath and volunteers from II & III B.Sc CS. Ms.Deepika Mai proposed the vote of thanks.

Student Journalist

Dinamalar and Department of Film and Television Production of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science has jointly organized a two day workshop titled “Student Journalist” held on 1st and 2nd May 2016 exclusively for +2 students. Students from all over Tamil Nadu had participated in the Workshop.

The workshop includes Aesthetics and Technical Aspects of News and Documentary film making. Students were given due practice in News gathering, News writing and Producing Documentary films. The workshop was headed by the Principal Dr. R.L. Ramnath. Ms. Jeyalakshmi, Senior Journalist, Dinamalar was the Chief Guest of the event. She shared her views on News making, Ethics, Social responsibilities of a Journalist and the opportunities for young graduates. The Head of the department Mr. C. Manikandan, Faculty members Mr.M.Raghu kalidasan, Mr.Rajavardhan and Mr. R.Sankar Seshan have trained the students.At the end of the workshop the students produced a Opinion Poll of Tamilnadu Assembly election 2016 and News feature on Summer.