National Leader Vinayak Narahari Vinoba Bhave Memorial Day

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized and recognized one of the greatest National Leaders, Vinayak Narahari Vinoba Bhave on 15.11.19, his Memorial Day.

Mrs.G.S.Subbulakshmi, Asst.Professor gave the welcome speech; Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head of the Department addressed the students and spoke about the great political leaders who ruled the country effectively and also protected our nation. Vinoba Bhave was associated with Mahatma Gandhi in the Indian independence movement. Bhave created Vidya Mandir an ashram for women to help them become self-sufficient and non-violent in our community. He was a scholar, thinker, and writer who has written numerous books. The Gita was translated into Marathi Language by him. The Department students presented a video presentation about the leader. Mr. Gangadharan, Asst.Professor delivered the Vote of Thanks.

Totally   86 students participated in this event.

TechTalk Event

On 15 November 2019, a TechTalk session was conducted by the Department of Computer Science. Students of II B.Sc CS(SSS) presented their papers during this session. Mr. V. Shivaa shared his knowledge on “Recent Technology”. Mr. P. K. Dilip Kumar explained “Intelligent Apps” through a Power Point presentation and Mr. L. N. S. K. Surajkumar presented a paper on “Virtual Reality”. A paper on “Block Chain” was presented by Ms. K. Karthiga. The session ended with a speech on “Recent Technology” by Ms. K. Karthiyayini.

Children’s day celebrations

ZEAL (BBA Association) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized an Art competition and an Essay writing competition in view of celebrating Children’s day (Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday) on 14.11.2019. The themes for the Art competition and the Essay writing competition were “Nehru’s Vision of Modern India” and “Challenges faced by Children in the Modern Era” respectively. Students from all departments actively participated in the events. This event helped in improving the leadership and organizing skills of the students of BBA.

Extension Activity

The Department of CS, as a part of their Extension Activity recorded and aired a programme “தண்ணீர் பஞ்சம்” through SLCS’s Community Radio Shyamalavani on 14.11.2019 at 02.30 PM. Seven students from II B.Sc CS (SSS) ‘B’ performed a skit “Thaneer Pancham”, a play about water scarcity for the benefit of rural people. This play disseminated our student’s social and moral values with a message to “Save Water”.

Peer Teaching

On 13 November 2019, Mr. V. Sivaa and Mr. P. K. Dilipkumar of II B.Sc CS presented a paper on “Cyber Security”. Mr. V. Shivaa shared his knowledge on “Cyber Security” with the students of I B.Sc CS. He explained how an intruder gains unauthorized access to protected systems and steals the user data through phishing, keylogger, bad USB, online fraud, spoofing, and Remote Administration Tool(RAT). It was an eye opening session for the students as they got awareness about Cyber Security.

Guest Lecture

On behalf of the Department of CS & Networking, a Guest Lecture was organized on 10th, December 2019 for II B.Sc CS (SSS) & II B.Sc Networking students at the Seminar Hall on the topic “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning”. H.Abinaya, II B.Sc.CS(SSS) welcomed the gathering. Dr.B.Ramamoorthy, Principal delivered the presidential address. Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Dept. Of CS delivered the felicitation address and introduced the Chief Guest Mr.Nanu Swamy, Alumni, IIT Madras.

Mrs.Naveena Nanu Swamy, Alumni, IIT Madras delivered the special address.  The Chief Guest delivered the key note address about AI & ML. Mr.Vignesh, CTO, Quantanics Pvt Ltd, Madurai elaborated the importance of AI & ML. V.Aarthi, II .B.Sc Networking delivered the vote of thanks. Totally 58 students got benefited through this program.


Our alumni Mr.S.Kalaiappan (2015-18 Batch), VFX Artist, IGENE, Chennai conducted a workshop on “Career Guidance – Scope for Rotoscopy Artist” for our II & III Animation students on 08th November 2019. Mr.P.Kishore Kumar Instructor, Dept. of Animation introduced the guest to the students. Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Mr. M. Purushothamanand  Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim has done the arrangements. He spoke about the current situation & opportunities in the industry and shared his working experiences with the students.


Total No. of Beneficiaries – 102 Students

Training Programme by 2ADPro

Department of Animation, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science & 2ADPro, A Multinational Company from Chennai organised Campus Recruitment Drive for the students of III year B.Sc Animation. Around 30 Students were selected. Mr.Nirmal, HR Manager & Mr.Ramesh Dhanasekaran, Head-Training Division from the company conducted the Interview. A Training programme was organised for the shortlisted candidates for the period of Two Months (August& September) by the company at the College. The Trainers from the Concerned Company Mr. Murali, Ms. Chitra & Ms. Malathy trained the students about their Company`s Structure, Values, Workflow and Procedures. They also arranged student recreation programmes and artistic activities like celebrating Halloween Day, Outbound Training, and Fireless Cooking etc. The students Training program was an experiential learning and very useful to them.

Career Guidance

The Department of CS organized Career Guidance programme on 08.11.2019 for III B.Sc CS(SSS) students at Seminar Hall. Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Dept. of CS introduced our Chief Guest Mr.Sabarinathan Muthu, Executive Manager, Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore. Our Principal delivered Presidential address.

The Chief Guest of this session shared his own industry experience and the various job opportunities in IT industry. Also he encouraged the students to choose a particular domain to shine in their career.

TechTalk Event

A TechTalk event for the students of II year, Computer Science Department was conducted on 08, November 2019. Ms. V. Kaarthiyaini of II B.Sc CS(SSS) presented a paper on “ Humanoid Robot”. She shared her experience on developing a humanoid and explained how it works.