Extensional activity

As part of the extensional program the students of the Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) went to the Govt. School, Nedumadurai. Through this program the students of B.Com (B&I) created awareness on ‘Road Safety’ to the VIII students, who in turn, were asked to educate their parents on road safety. The awareness was created through Skits, Charts and interaction. Nearly 50 students benefited through this program. Prof.R.Damotharan coordinated the program. The Head master of the school appreciated the students of B.Com (B&I) for their tremendous effort.

Exposure Visit to VOC Port Trust

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Exposure Visit to VOC Port Trust on 07.12.2019. The students understood the various operations related to marine logistics. The port operations were also explained in detail. The students also had the opportunity to visit a vessel on shore and witness the functions of the control room.

Guest Lecture

The Department of Commerce (Honours) organized a one day Guest Lecture for the I &II year B.Com (Honours) and I year B.Com (Honours) with ACCA students on 12/12/2019(Thursday). CA Ayanar, a practicing Chartered Accountant (CA), addressed the students. He highlighted the opportunities available for Company Secretaryship (CS). He also emphasized through his interaction with the students that basic concepts of subjects should be understood well in order to gain strong knowledge.Totally, 42 students participated and got benefitted through the session.

Work Shop on Bakery and Confectionery “Les tables des Boulangers” (The Bakers Tables)

On 11-12-19, the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management hosted a full day workshop on “Bakery and Confectionery” at the Training Bakery Lab.

The workshop through demonstrations, shaping ideas, and video presentations of baking skills was conducted by resource persons, Mr.S.Anburajan , Secretary, Tamilnadu Bakers Foundation Association , Tamilnadu and Mr.N.Jeya Ganesh Rajan, Director , Fores Iniyaa Rusk& Bread ,Madurai. The purpose of the workshop was to learn different types of bread, cookies, cakes, buns, rolls and pastries through hands-on experience. The program was completed successfully to the utmost satisfaction of the 126 students and resource persons.

Leaders Birthday Celebration

Bharati was born on 11 December 1882 in the village of Ettayapuram, to Chinnaswami Subramania Iyer and Lakshmi Ammal. Subbaiah, as he was named, went to the M.D.T. Hindu College in Tirunelveli.

This Day was celebrated as his Birthday on 11/12/2019 at the department of Visual Communication, SLCS. The event started at 3.00 pm at the PCR studio of the Department. The session took off by the speech given by Ms. Abirami of 2nd year; she lit up the spot light on the history of the famous freedom fighter. In continue to this the student Ms. N. Naramada, MSc. 1st year discussed the various unforgettable works given to mankind by the eminent personality.

The head of the department started his speech on some important aspects Bharati’s best-known works include Kaṇṇan pāṭṭu (1917; Songs to Krishna), Panchali sapatham (1912; Panchali’s Vow), and Kuyil pāṭṭu (1912; Kuyil’s Song). Many of his English works were collected in Agni and Other Poems and Translations and Essays and Other Prose Fragments.

With this, the session had ended at 4.00 pm on high note remembering his great achievements and which was explained to the students of Visual Communication. The feedback from students was that they loved these types of sessions and know the things which they are unaware.

Career Guidance

The Departments of  Networking and Computer Science jointly organized a Career Guidance programme on 10.12.2019 at the Seminar Hall. The resource person of this session, Mr.R.Vignesh, CTO Quantanics, Madurai, shared the opportunities available in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. CTO Quantanics is a pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Madurai.

Mr.Nanu Swami, an alumnus of  IIT , Chennai demonstrated and provided hands-on training in AI and ML Real–time applications. He, also, discussed the various opportunities available in Cyber Security and Data Science. The career guidance programme was highly beneficial to the students.


The Departments of  Networking and Computer Science jointly organized a Career Guidance programme on 10.12.2019 at the Seminar Hall. The resource person of this session, Mr.R.Vignesh, CTO Quantanics, Madurai, shared the opportunities available in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. CTO Quantanics is a pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Madurai.

Mr.Nanu Swami, an alumnus of  IIT , Chennai demonstrated and provided hands-on training in AI and ML Real–time applications. He, also, discussed the various opportunities available in Cyber Security and Data Science. The career guidance programme was highly beneficial to the students. Totally 29 networking students get benefited by this program.

Extension Activity Report

An awareness program on Digital India was conducted at T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai on 09/12/2019 by the Department of CS, SLCS. The program started with the welcome speech given by Mr.Kasi Rajan, Head Master, T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai. Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Asst. Professor, Department of CS, SLCS gave a brief introduction on Digital India initiatives and its importance in our day to day life.

R.K.Nagadivya, R.V.Vijayalaxmi, M.S.Raagem, K.S.Shalini, A.S.Priyadharshini, S.Shruthikaa and N.B.Nandhini from II B.Sc CS (SSS) conducted 3 events a quiz, skit and awareness speeches. Through this event the school students came to know the various features of Digital India initiatives.

The program came to an end with feedback from the students of the school and vote of thanks delivered by a faculty of the school. The faculty members and students of SLCS were thanked for conducting this awareness program for their school students.

Extension Activity

As part of their Extension Activity, Five students and one faculty member went to from the Department of Networking, went to K.N Higher Secondary School at Koodakovil on 07.12.19.

The students assembled and shifted the systems in the new computer laboratory and checked the hardware and software configuration. Students demonstrated the computer and its functionality. It was a good exposure for the students and also a hands-on experience for their career growth.