Dept of MC&HM conducted Course Committee Meeting on 16.08.2019at 12.30 p.m. for the I, II  and III year students.

The following points were discussed in this meeting:

  1. Students deficiencies related to the course with remedial actions
  2. Current syllabus
  3. Lesson Plan and Subject Coverage.
  4. Teaching methodology
  5. Department Activity

Independence Day Celebration

As part of their extensional activity the students of B.Com(B&I) celebrated the 73rd Independence Day in our college campus on 14.08.2019 by conducting various competitions inducing patriotism to the students. The program started with the prayer song,  Mrs.V.Padmavathy, Head of the Department welcomed the gathering,  Dr.B.Ramamurthy, Principal and Dr.R.L.Ramnath, NAAC advisor delivered keynote addresses. The program ended with the vote of thanks by Ms.Selvameena of III B.Com(B&I)

Viva-Voce Examination

As part of academic enhancement, Final year B.Com students are presented their Internship training report through Powerpoint presentation in seminar Hall, the panel members are Mrs. V.Padmavathy, HOD, Mrs.S.Gurupriya, Ms.B.Shanmugapriya and Mr.R.Damotharan.

Extensional Activity

Students of B.Com B&I – Mr.S.Gokulnath , Mr.M.Hariharan , Ms.E.Selvameena and Ms.K.Anjana of III year and Mr.Krishanakumar  of  I year gave a  speech on Budget 2019 in our Community radio Shyamalavani, they explained the pros and cons of Budget 2019. They  also briefed about the priority sector lending especially to the agricultural sector and MSME which would be useful for the listeners . Through this program peoples in and around our College gained more insight into it.


The III year students of computer science (SSS) Department attended a Intercollegiate Meet “STRATA” conducted by Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi on 9.8.2019. 16  students accompanied by a faculty participated in various events.N.Asiq Ahemed and P.Jeraled Giltus were runners up in paper presentation.The students got to know about the culture of ANJAC College and had the chance to interact with other college students.From participating in the events, the students became aware of how to improve themselves.

Peer Teaching

Peer mediated instructional strategies involve students working together on academic tasks in a manner that promotes responsibility for their own and their partners’ learning. Ms.Rubalakshmi of III B.Com (B&I) handled class for I B.Com(B&I).


The Department of Fire & Industrial Safety has organized a Career Counseling cum workshop on 06.08.2019 for Adhyapana CBSE school Students. Mr.I.Vivek Ramkumar HOD; Department of Fire & Industrial Safety clearly explained the future growth of safety and the demand for safety professionals in various fields. He also gave useful tips for the Students regarding the job opportunities for safety in various sectors. Fire Demo was conducted in RLINS ground by the HOD of Fire & Industrial Safety to create awareness among the participants on handling of Safety Equipments. At the end of the program an Interactive session was conducted and the feedback from the Students who participated in the program was good and the program ended with Vote of Thanks.  The School Students Visit is successfully completed with a great positive impact in the minds of the students and the faculty members of the school. We have received an overwhelming Response from the school Students.

Totally 15 students participated and got benefited through this program.


The Department of Networking organized a Career Counselling Program for the Second and the Third year students on 05.08.2019. Mr.B.Nagakumar, CEO – Devspark, Hyderabad. Shared his experience to the students. Totally 66 Students get benefited from II and III year networking.

The following points were discussed with the students.

  1. Security Fundamentals.
  2. Importance of Scripting Language
  3. Job opportunity in IT & Networking industry.


The Department of Networking conducted  a Value Added Course “Cisco Certified Network Associate Training Programme” for the III BSC Networking students from 29.07.2019 to 03.08.2019. Senior Trainer Mr.Abdu Majeed from Vectra Technosoft Pvt Ltd , Chennai, trained the students.35 students got benefitted.

Workshop on Web Programming

The three days training workshop on “Web Programming using PHP, Mongo DB & NodeJS” took place on 31.07.2019 to 02.08.2019 for II B.Sc CS (SSS) and III B.Sc CS(SSS) students. The resource person of this session Mr.N.Shaliya, Founder, Zerame, Chennai, had given strong knowledge in web programming domain.

Also he trained the students with practical session by giving individual projects in PHP. Through this practical session students came to know the importance of web designing and they got the knowledge of how to design a web page using PHP, Mongo DB & NodeJS. The session came to an end with the various job opportunities in web designing. Totally 52 students got benefited through this program.