Guest Lecture

The Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a guest lecture on “Current Processing Techniques in Meat and Fish” for the students of B.Sc I and II Year at SLCS, Madurai on 21 January 2020. Mrs.Poorinima Jeyasekaren, a specialist in Food and Nutrition for the past 9 years, currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, the American College, Madurai, was invited as the resource person

Dr.B.Ramamoorthy, Pricipal , SLCS, felicitated the gathering  Dr.R.Durgadevi, Assistant Professor and Head in charge, Department of Food Science and Processing Management, SLCS   introduced the speaker and the topic of lecture to the students.

In her lecture Mrs.Poorinima Jeyasekaren discussed the technical advances in meat and fish processing the value and demand of these food products in the market and value added products, she also stressed that technological development will lead the way for fish and meat to become major nutritional sources in the human diet.

The programme ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Mrs. M. Kavitha – Assistant Professor.

Alumnus Interaction

On 20.1.2020, the students of MC&HM had a chance to interact with one of the department’s distinguished Alumnus Mr. Sathakul Hug Mohamed (2007-2010 batches) who has become a successful Human Resource Manager with the Tourism Department of Dubai. He advised his juniors to acquire practical knowledge, while doing their experiments and making projects. He further added that hands -on training is the best way of understanding concepts which in turn brings about self confidence.

Extension activity at M.S.Chellamuthu Trust

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai, organized an extension activity at the Bodhi campus of M.S.Chellamuthu Trust on 18.01.2020. Students had the opportunity of meeting some of the inmates affected by mental disability. The inmates were very happy to see the students moving close with them and understanding their feelings and emotions. This led to a strong emotional bonding between the inmates and the students. The staff of the Trust felt that this is a small step towards the holistic development of their normalization process.

Seminar on Psychiatric Counseling

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a seminar on Psychiatric Counseling at the Bodhi campus of M.S.Chellamuthu Trust on 18.01.2020. The staff of the Trust explained the need and importance of Psychiatric counseling. The various causes of mental disability were discussed. Some simple strategies of avoiding mental disability were also suggested.

National Youth Day Celebration

Department of Commerce celebrated National Youth Day (12.01.2020) on 13.01.2020. The program started with a prayer song, Mrs.V.Padmavathy, Head, Department of Commerce welcomed the gathering. Dr.B.Ramamurthy, the Principal gave an elaborative speech on the principles and thoughts of Swami Vivekananda. He also explained the reason for celebrating Swami Vivekananda’s birthday as National Youth Day. Dr.R.L.Ramnath, the NAAC advisor insisted that students must try to follow the principles of Swami Vivekananda. Dr.S.Priya, Academic Dean, explained some of the quotes of Swami Vivekananda. A few students of B.Com (B&I) gave speeches about Swami Vivekananda and his principles. The program ended with the  National Anthem.

Career counseling

The Department of B.Com(B&I) organized a Career counseling programme for the III B.Com(B&I) students  on January 12, 2020. Dr.S.Pugalenthi, Head, MBA, RLIMS and Dr.K.Navarathnam  – Associate Professor,  RLIMS had an interactive session with the students regarding the opportunities available after completing MBA. They also created awareness about CAT, MAT and TANCET Exams, which is a pre-requisite for admission in ‘B’ Schools. All the Students of III B.Com(B&I) participated and were thankful for this beneficial session.

Memorial Day of Lal Bahadhur Shashtri

The department of Commerce (Honours & ACCA) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science celebrated the Memorial Day of Lal Bahadhur Shastri on 11.01.2020. Dr. M. Tharani, Head of the Department organized the celebration. Ms. M. M. Kavya of II Honours welcomed the gathering. Dr. B. Ramamoorty, Principal delivered the felicitation address. Students enthusiastically and energetically performed a skit, “The Tashkent Files”, a political thriller revolving around the mysterious death of former Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri. The celebrations ended with Mr. R. Ramkumar of II Honours delivering the vote of thanks. 80 students got benefited.

Rally for Road safety

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai in association with the NSS Unit of the college organized a rally for creating awareness on Road Safety on 11.01.2020. This was in regard with celebrating Road Safety week. Around 50 students from the college took part in the rally. Pamphlets and notices containing awareness on road safety were distributed to the two wheeler and four wheeler riders.

Career Counselling

  The Department of B.Com (B&I) organized a Career counseling programme for the III B.Com(B&I) students on January 11.2020 Dr.S.Pugalenthi, Head, MBA, RLIMS and Dr.K.Navarathnam – Associate Professor, RLIMS had an interactive session with the students regarding the opportunities available after completing MBA. They also created awareness about CAT, MAT and TANCET Exams, which is a pre-requisite for admission in B schools. All the students of  III B.Com (B&I) participated and were thankful for this beneficial session

Value Added Course on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

The Departments of Computer Science and of Networking, jointly conducted a Value Added Course on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” for the II Year Computer Science and Networking students from 02.01.2020 to 10.01.2020. Mr.Nanuswamy & Mrs.Naveena Swamy, members of IIT PALS, Chennai and Mr.M.Vignesh, CTO Quantanics, trained the students.

The students were trained in the working principles of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Python Programming. The hands- on sessions were arranged for the students so that they can create projects and products using various AI & ML Algorithms. The students were divided in to 8 Teams under various names and Logos. Practical tasks were assigned by the trainers on a daily basis. All the teams developed products using AI & ML Concepts.

On 10.01.2020, the Valedictory program was organized , wherein the students demonstrated their developed products and explained their work through presentations.