Cooking Competition

The first year students of Marine Catering and Hotel Management  participated in an Intercollegiate Cooking Competition conducted by National Catering College, Karaikudi, on 14.2.2020.. Our students,Mr.K.Jagadesh and Mr.R.Viswam, won the second prize with a cash reward of Rs.3000.


Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, Head-Department of Animation invited as a resource person in the Seven Days Camp conducted by the NSS Unit-105 of our College held at Nedumadurai on 14.02.2020 (Friday). He delivered a speech on “Current Affairs” and enlightened the students about the current scenario of the country and the state which leads the nation towards the healthy development and growth in the economy among the world. He also explained the role of students towards the welfare of the nation and how they should develop their discipline, Academics and their patriotism, so that they can be a part of the society and it will result in their bright future. The Session ended with the gift of Plant saplings and the students gave positive feedback.

Value Added Course on “Container Trade”

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a Value Added Course titled, “Container Trade” on 14.02.2020. Prof. Hari Krishnan, faculty from CII – Institute of Logistics was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the various types of containers along with their architecture. The different transactions and operations involved in the container trade were also explained.

Video conferencing session on “Multimodal Freight Logistics”

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a video conferencing session from Chennai on the topic,  “Multimodal Freight Logistics” on 12.02.2020. Mr.K.C.M.Thirumaalan Sarravanan, Head, Corporate Affairs & Training, Triway Group was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the various challenges, scope and opportunities available in the different modes of transport relating to logistics. The various government policies relating to Multimodal Freight Logistics were also explained in detail.

Clay Modeling Workshop

A Clay Modeling workshop was organized by the Animation Department for all the 1st and 2nd year Animation Students on 10.02.2020 & 11.02.2020. It was a 2 day workshop conducted in the drawing hall. Guest lecturers Mr.Sakthivel.,M.F.A., and Mr.Radhakrishnan.,M.F.A., (Sculptors) demonstrated clay modelling to the students. The complete structure took 2 days to complete. Ms.R.Subhiksha, II Year Animation delivered the welcome address. Dr.R.Sujatha, Vice Principal delivered the presidential address. Dr.S.Priya, Dean – Academics, delivered the felicitation address. Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, HoD, introduced the Chief Guests and detailed the information of the workshop. Ms.B.Swetha, I Year Animation delivered the welcome address in the Inauguration. All students of animation participated and prepared their clay models with lots of creative ideas. Department Faculty Members Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Coordinator, Mr.M.Purusothaman, Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim Instructors made all the arrangements. Overall, it was a fun filled and aesthetic workshop

Placement drive

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance conducted a Campus Placement drive for the third year students of Commerce Department in our college campus on 11.02.2020. The recruitment process comprised Aptitude Test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Around 20 students participated in the recruitment. The Recruiters were happy and satisfied with the performance of the students. 5 students were selected and received their offer letters.

“Chocolates, Desserts and Decoration” -Work Shop

Sankara College of Arts and Sciences, Coimbatore, organized the 6th National Level Workshop on “Chocolates, Desserts and Decoration on 11.2.2020. First year students participated in the workshop. Chef, P.Sivakumar, ITC Grand Chola Hotel, Chennai, was chief guest, who not only spoke about the topic but also advised the students regarding the industry needs for placements. Students made the event excellent by show casing their outstanding talent.  This workshop gave a lot of motivation and encouragement to the students, who had a memorable experience.

Value Added Course on “Trade Routes and Shipping Overview”

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a Value Added Course titled, “Trade Routes and Shipping Overview” on 11.02.2020. Prof.N.Nandhini, faculty from CII – Institute of Logistics was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the important trade routes in the world and the various types of ships along with their architecture. The different transactions and risks involved in the shipping industry were also explained.

Internet Club Inauguration

Ms.V.Aarthy, II-B.Sc., Networking welcomed the Coordinator and the Members of the Internet Club.

Mr.V.Deepan Chakkravarthy, Club Co-Ordinator inaugurated the function and shared his valuable experience in the Internet Field.

Mr.B.Baskaran, Student Co-Ordinator Internet Club explained the objectives, duties and regulations of the Internet Club to the members. The following aspects were addressed during the time of investiture;

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Government Online Service
  • Social Media with Security
  • Section6A(1)INFORMATIONACT2000

Ms.V.Kamaladevi, II-B.Sc., Networking, thanked everyone for their effective contribution and participation in the involvement of the Internet club.


Women Empowerment Cell (WEC) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized an Awareness program on “Legislation on Violence against Women” on 07.02.2020 at the newly refurbished auditorium, between 3.30PM and 5.50PM. All the students of the college participated in the programme. Ms.Geetha, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil welcomed the gathering. Dr. S. Priya, Dean-Academics felicitated the event. Dr. M. Tharani, Coordinator-WEC introduced the Chief Guest.  The guest of honour, Mrs. S. Sornalatha, MA, ML, a leading lawyer with 25 years of practice, started her speech by pointing out the difference between ‘mistake’ and ‘crime’.  She shared her real time experience wherein she has come across legal cases, where the youth are both victims and committers of crime. She emphasized that using android mobiles is like being inside the “big boss” house. She advised students not to have chats or share personal photos with unknown contacts. Students interacted with the guest of honour and clarified their doubts relating to POCSO Act, 2012 and its amendments. Ms.Poornima Devi, I year B.Sc(FS&PM) proposed the vote of thanks and the programme ended with the National Anthem.