Guest Lecture on “How to read and validate NEWS? (Virtual Tour)”

Art and Media Club & SIP Cell of SLCS organized a webinar on “How to read and validate NEWS? (Virtual Tour)”. NEWS – North East West South, the expansion of this acronym. Dr.R.Jeyakrishnan, Special Correspondence, Win TV, Chennai, shared his views on the topic “How to read and validate NEWS?” on 16.09.2020. He initiated the session by the virtual tour in the Win TV Channel, Chennai. He also explained the students that all the TV Stations’ gates will be opened always to receive the news from the public 24/7. He shared the students about the difficulties in collecting news. He then explained about the freedom given to each and every reporter while collecting news. A news reporter can even enter into a whole where the air cannot be entered. He answered the query raised by the students regarding the TRP rating. Finally he insisted the students to hear and read newspapers regularly for updating themselves about the current scenario. Totally 240 students attended and got benefitted.

Board of Studies Meeting

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted an Online Board of Studies Meeting on 15.9.2020 between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. Dr. R.Kannan, Ph.D, Professor & Research Guide, Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, represented as the University Nominee , Prof.RameshRaj.S ,Associate Professor, Dept of  HM&CS , MKU  College, Madurai  represented the  Subject Expert, Prof. Jayanthi, Assistant Professor, Dept of French, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai was the university nominee for Language, Mr. P. Balasubramaniam, Director – Operations, Hotel Amika, Madurai represented as the Industrial Expert , Mr. Karthikeyan.R,  participated as an Alumni,  Mr. C. Sureshkumar, Head of the Department  represented as the Chairperson. The Department Faculty members, a Parent and a Student participated as members in the Board of Studies Meeting and gave their valid feedback and recommendations for framing the syllabus.

Guest Lecture on “Teaching & Learning Pedagogy”

CDC & SIP Cell of SLCS organized a webinar on Teaching & Learning Pedagogy”. Teaching and Learning is a dependent pedagogical approach which is followed by a teacher in the classroom. On 15.09.2020, Dr.R.Parthiban, IQAC Administrator of SLCS explained the variety of pedagogical approaches used in Colleges that are more effective and appropriate in the process. The effectiveness of pedagogy often depends on the particular subject matter to be taught, on understanding the diverse needs of different learners, and on adapting to the on-the-ground conditions in the classroom and the surrounding context.

He also explained about the differences between Teacher-Centered Pedagogy and Student-Centered Pedagogy.  He added that at SLCS we follow the Outcome Based Education which is a Student-Centered Methodology of Education. The teachers at SLCS use the ICT facilities for teaching the students in an effective manner. So automatically, the students will be much interested in the classroom session. Finally the resource person motivated the students by showing few videos from the movies which replicates the Teaching Learning Pedagogy and links the same with the process at SLCS. The students enjoyed the session. Totally 240 students attended and got benefitted.

Guest Lecture on “How to utilize Resource Center Effectively?”

SIP Cell & Library Managing Team of SLCS organized a webinar on the topic “How to utilize the Resource Center Effectively?”. Information plays an important part in the wider learning process – to understand the context of the work. Guest Lecturer Dr.P.Ravichandran, Head-Dept. of LISC, Annamalai University, Chidambaram presented a wonderful session on “How to utilize the Resource Center Effectively?” on 15.09.2020. Learning takes place not only at workshops or on training courses, but also through discussions with colleagues, practical experience, and consulting newsletters, books and audiovisual materials. Resource centers can support a wide range of learning activities by making information available. Resource centers have an important part to play in improving access to information. A resource centre collects and organizes materials that are useful to a particular group of people. A resource centre actively seeks to share the information that it contains. The main aim of a resource centre are to create a pleasant environment for learning, to contain a relevant and accessible collection of resource materials (based on the actual needs of users), to provide a range of information services, to encourage people to use the information in the resource centre and to help users gain access to information from other sources. Finally the resource person informed the students to utilize all the resources regarding the government schemes and also regarding the education. Totally 228 students attended and got benefitted.

Alumni interaction

As part of academic enhancement, our alumnus Mr.S.Gokulnath (2017-20 batch, placed in Equitas Bank) interacted with the III Year students of B.Com B&I on 15.09.2020. He shared his interview experience with his juniors. He stressed on the importance of Communication and gave tips to clear competitive examinations. He, also, answered the queries posted by the students regarding the interview process. All the students of III B.Com (B&I) thanked him for sharing his experience.
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Webinar on Short Film Making with Sony Video Cameras

The Department of Visual Communication conducted a webinar on “Short Film Making with Sony Video Cameras” on Tuesday, September 15 at 11:30 a.m – 1:45 p.m. The resource persons were Mr. Musthafa Basha Sony Specialist & Mr. R. Ahamed Abdullah Compositing Artist, D.I Online Editor, Rotoscopy Artistheld, handled the sessions via Google meet. A total number of 50 students participated in the webinar. Mr. C. Sivarajan, Instructor, Department of Visual Communication delivered welcome address.

The webinar session was initially handled by Mr. Musthafa Basha from 11.40 am to 12.30 pm and he covered the following topics during the live session.

  • Film making trends
  • Current trend & its shift
  • Basic structure of film making
  • Digital film Production
  • Multiple Line-up Knowledge
  • Codecs & Quality
  • Log

Then last session was handled by Mr.R.Ahamed Abdullah from 12.30 p.m to 1.45 p.m and he covered the following topics during the live session.

  • Post Production
  • Compositing
  • I (Color grading)

            The resource person also showed a demo of the color correction process by using the industry professional software like Davinci resolve. A clip from an advertisement was taken and it was demonstrated with the basic of color values.

Then, he also showed a demo of how simple visual effects can be done in short films. For this purpose, a clip was taken from a Telugu movie and it was composited with another clip to match the sequence by using motion tracking technique

The students and faculty members of the department attended the session. Students actively participated in the session by posting their queries and it was clarified by the resource persons. They also shared their professional experience and provided career guidance to the participants. Students were also given tasks during the session and our students responded well. Due to the positive response and interest from the students, the resource person expressed their willingness to handle another session in the forthcoming days.

The session concluded with a vote of thanks by S. Abirami, final year student of Visual Communication. The students gathered lots of information and they requested the department members to conduct many more sessions in future.

Extension activity – Distribution of facemasks to prevent Covid – 19

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an extension activity on 14.09.2020 to prevent the spread of Covid – 19. Students distributed facemasks to the traffic police of Paramakudi town. The traffic police highly appreciated the efforts of the students and the department in taking up this noble initiative in helping them during this pandemic. No.of students participated: 4


Motivational speech on “Thisaigal Unnai Thirumbi Paarkattum”

SIP Cell & Readers Hub of SLCS organized a webinar on the topic “Thisaigal Unnai Thirumbi Paarkattum”. The world is revolving every day and there is no doubt in that. But are we coping with it, is a great question that has to be asked to oneself. Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant Professor & Head Department of Tamil motivated the students on the topic “Thisaigal Unnai Thirumbi Paarkattum” on 14.09.2020We have many ways to achieve our life and we are running along with the time to adhere to it. Here the term THISAIGAL means the ambitions to be fixed by a person. A student should pay attention towards his / her own ambition. To succeed in life, one should learn to honor person, learn to show the gratitude towards others, work hard towards the ambition and so on. Before concluding the session, she insisted that a student should not run towards the direction instead he / she can strive hard for that. If a student works accordingly he / she need not run along, but the world will turn towards you and all the THISAIGAL will also turn to you. The students were motivated by listening to her speech to strive for a successful life. Totally 220 students attended and got benefitted.

Webinar on “Eye Awareness”

SIP Cell & NSS of SLCS organized a webinar on the topic “Eye Awareness”. In today’s world all the children and elders are addicted to mobile phones which are undoubtedly leading towards the world of blindness. To create awareness about the Eye, the International Rotary Eye Bank Manager Mr.Saravanan, from Aravind Eye Hospital was invited to give a lecture on 14.09.2020. He explained the reasons of Eye strain due to the usage of Mobile phones. Mobile phones eye strain may cause dry eye and irritation, painful throbbing headaches around the eye region, and even blurred vision. He also informed the students that smart phones are also comfortable for learning such as easy to get answers, bringing the world into real, easy to access educational tips and finally allows pavements for Social Learning. But it should be used in an effective and limited manner. Finally the resource person advised the students not to use the mobile phones too much which even leads the student towards eye blindness. Totally 220 students attended and got benefitted.

Webinar on “Research Article Writing & Publishing”

The IQAC of SLCS organized a Webinar on “Research Article Writing & Publishing” on 12.09.2020 in the College premises. Principal SLCS, Dr.R.Sujatha welcomed the Guest and the gathering. IQAC Coordinator Dr.R.Parthiban introduced the Guest Dr.J.Meenakumari, Head – Research and Development at International School of Management Excellence, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

The Resource person initiated the session with an icebreaker. The faculty members were really motivated by the event. She presented her session through a PPT and gave awareness about the writing an abstract, finding out key words and publishing an article.

During the Q&A session many faculty members raised questions regarding the Research publication. The resource person also asked few question to the members about to know the understanding of her presentation.

The entire session went on in a productive manner. IQAC Assistant Coordinator cum Assistant Professor of English Mrs.R.Suganthi Hepzibha proposed the Vote of Thanks. Totally 41 faculty members attended the session and got benefitted.