On 10.11.2020, Mr.Shyamruthan – 18242 and Mr.Dilip Kumar. K – 18229 of III B.Sc CS(SSS) taught their peers through Google Meet, the concept of Cloud Computing. The most important aspects in Security and Vulnerability Assessment Tools for Cloud were explained by them. They also shared their knowledge on how to implement the tools with real-time scenarios. 52 students from III B.Sc CS(SSS) benefited through this session.
Ms.Raagem– 18212 of III B.Sc CS(SSS) conducted a Peer teaching session for 52 students of III B.SC CS(SSS) on 10.11.2020 through Google Meet. She taught the students “Cloud Security Fundamentals”. Through her presentation, she explained the fundamental security features of Cloud. The students actively participated and clarified their doubts.
Kalaisaral,the Association Meet was conducted by the TechnoFest Association Members on 07.11.2020 for the students of I and II year of Computer Science department through Google Meet. Ms.Shalini of III C.S(SSS) compered the programme, which started with the welcome address given by Mr.Santhosh Sivan of II CS(SSS).
Mrs.N.Anuradha Head of the Department gave the felicitation address. For the benefit of the first year students, who are new members of the Association, the HoD, CS(SSS) explained the importance of the Association and the students role in it. Mr.Vikas and Mr.Bharathwaj of III C.S(SSS), demonstrated the creation of Blogs for the I year students. Ms.Subhasree of II C.S(SSS) & Ms.Naganandhini of III C.S(SSS) presented the Blogs of II & III CS students which are regularly updated by them.
Non-technical events were conducted for the edutainment of the students. Ms.R.Swetha & Ms.Deepthi of II CS and Mr.Vinoth & Mr.Vengadesh Kumar of III CS hosted a Riddles event and Quiz programme, respectively. The session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr.Pranava Kumar of II C.S(SSS). The students were able to expose their talents and also gain knowledge on technology through this programme.
Totally 152 students got benefited through this program.
Webinar on “Building Next-Generation Entrepreneurs”
The Entrepreneurship Development Cell of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science conducted a one-day workshop on “Building Next-Generation Entrepreneurs” on 06.11.2020 from 11.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. The webinar focused on the various loan schemes which are brought by the State Government to encourage young entrepreneurs and also on the list of other financial schemes available to promote start-ups. A total no of 82 students participated in the event. Mr.M.Ramalingam, General Manager, District Industries Centre, Madurai served as the guest speaker for the event.
On behalf of the Department of CS, the seventh Mentor Meeting for the Odd Semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 6.11.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. Mentees were taught how to do eye exercises. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.
The Department of Animation and the Youth Red Cross (YRC) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized a “Free Eye Screening Camp” in association with Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai for the welfare of Teaching and Non Teaching Staff on 04.11.2020 (Wednesday). The Inaugural function started with a prayer song followed by the welcome address delivered by Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal, SLCS. Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, President, SLF delivered the presidential address and the special address was given by Mr.Murugesan, Camp Organizer, Aravind Eye Hospital. Ms.Sailakshmi, Asst.Prof., proposed the vote of thanks and the function ended with the National Anthem.
This Free Eye Screening Camp was conducted to create awareness about the eye and to help everyone get a free eye checkup which they were unable to do so due to lack of time. Around 200 staff members from SLCS, RLIMS, RLINS & SLF, utilized this opportunity and got their eyes checked. Spectacles were ordered for those members with refractive errors. Staff members with serious ailments were advised to consult with Ophthalmologists at Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai. Mr.Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Department of Animation, Mr.Dhamodharan, Coordinator, YRC and Ms.Sailakshmi of Women Empowerment Cell and Healthcare Centre made all arrangements for the grand success of the event.
The second activity of Techie Quest club was conducted online on 4.11.2020 through Google Meet and Google Classroom. The club members, club coordinator and student club coordinators participated in the meeting. The welcome address was given by Mrs.J.Varalakshmi, AP of CS. Mr.K.U.Sastipriyan and Mr.K.Shyam Ruthan, student coordinators from III Year CS conducted a session on “IP Address”. They explained to the members about IP Address, Application Security and Google Chrome Security. They also clarified the queries of the members regarding Mobile Security. Finally, a “Quiz” was conducted through Nearpod application for the club members.
Career Counselling Program on “Cyber Security”
The Department of CS organized a Career Guidance program on “Cyber Security” on 02.11.2020 for the III year students through Google Meet. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Dept. of CS introduced the Chief Guest, Mr.S.Vivek,CEO, Ozone Cyber Security,Trichy.
The Chief Guest of this session shared his industry experience and the current technical requirements needed for shining in the Cyber Security domain. He encouraged the students to develop skills in Cyber Security and to take training for clearing the Ethical Hacking certification. Around 58 students were participated in this event.
Share a Meal
Sharing is caring. Blessed is a person who gives than receives. Human beings should be humane. Giving is an act of kindness which binds human relationship. In order to inculcate in them such values, even from Kindergarten onwards this aspect of sharing is given more importance.
RLIMS organized “Share a Meal” program as a part of extension activity on 01.11.2020. The first and final year students and faculty members were motivated by Dr. M. Subramanian, Head of the Department. The students happily came forward to share a meal with the poor and homeless. One hundred packs of food were distributed in this program by twenty three students. For our students, it was a heart-warming and unforgettable experience. Our students are determined to continue their support within their reach in future.
The Department of Fire and Industrial Safety Collaborated with NSS unit conducted Emergency Evacuation and Fire demo for teaching and non teaching staff members on 31/10/2020. Our Department HOD and faculty members gave the warning signal for emergency evacuation program then teaching and non teaching staff’s members are asked to assemble in the North gate area. Time taken for Evacuation procedure is 5.25minutes.Total number of staff participated in the program is 35 .Fire and Industrial Safety department staff members Instructed other staff members at the time of hearing the siren all should assemble at the emergency access point less than 2.30 minutes. Department staff explained clearly about the needs of emergency evacuation program .After that B.Sc(F&IS) final year student.V.Saravanapandi and A. Abdul Azeez demonstrated the operation of fire extinguisher and how to operate the extinguisher and they explained the class of fire and types of Extingusher.Finally staff members are voluntarily came forward and operate the fire extinguisher.
Our program was successful in creating Safety awareness and offering the training to the teaching and non teaching staff members. We received a very good appreciation and feedback from them.