The valedictory function of Techie Quest club was conducted online on 18.11.2020 through Google Meet and Google Classroom. The club members, club coordinator and student club coordinators participated in the meeting. The welcome address was given by Mrs.J.Varalakshmi, AP of CS. She appreciated the winners of the Quiz conducted the previous week.Mr.K.U.Sastipriyan, student coordinator from III Year CS clarified the doubts of the members regarding the day to day cyber attacks faced by them.He also explained how to use private and public IP Address and handle web security tools. The club members actively participated and responded to the queries during the session. The program ended with Mr.K.Shyam Ruthan, III CS proposing the vote of thanks.
Webinar on “Nutrition through Life cycle” – Infants to adolescence
To commemorate “Children’s day the Department of Food Science and Processing Management and Health & Nutrition club jointly conducted a webinar, “Nutrition through Life cycle – Infants to adolescence” on 18.11.2020 between 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm ( Totally 88 students belong to FSPM and Health &Nutrition club participated in webinar, which started with a prayer song. The department Head In-charge, Ms.A.Sona delivered the welcome address and invited the Chief Guest, Dietitian Jayanthi. Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal, SLCS presented the presidential address and Dr. S.Priya, Dean- Academics delivered the felicitation address.
In this webinar, the students learned about the different age groups, the nutritional requirements of individuals and types of diet that can be assigned. The chief guest discussed the complication resulting due to inadequate diet. She explained the basic five food groups, their importance and the role of functional food. During the question session, students clarified their doubts with the Chief Guest. The webinar concluded at 4.30 pm. with Mrs. M.Venkata Subbulakshmi, the Event Coordinator proposing the vote of thanks. Feedback was collected from the students and the analysis of the same shows that students were highly satisfied.
Extension activity – Distribution of free food during Deepavalli
ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an extension activity on 14.11.2020, the day of Deepavalli. Free food packets along with bottled mineral water were distributed to the homeless people along the roadside. This brought a sense of completeness and happiness in the minds of the students. Students were immensely satisfied after witnessing the smile on the faces of the homeless people on receiving the food packets. No.of students participated:4
Ms.A.Shalini – 18217 of III B.SC CS(SSS) made a presentation through Google Meet for 38 students of III B.SC CS(SSS) on 12.11.2020. She taught her peers “Host Security and Data Security”. Through her presentation, she explained the definition of Host and the ways to implement the security features in it. Students actively participated and clarified their doubts.
On 12thNovember 2020, a peer teaching session was conducted through Google Meet for 38 students of III B.Sc CS(SSS). Mr. S.G.Premkumar-18238 of III B.Sc CS(SSS) shared his knowledge on “Open Source Security Solution Products in Cloud”. He explained the ways to enhance the security features in cloud. The students interacted well and also shared their knowledge on Cloud Security.
Eco Club – Awareness on Environmental Issues
The Eco club organised a session to identify the current environmental issues on 11th, November 2020 in Google Meet through Google Class room. Students from various departments participated in this session. The student’s identified various environmental issues and submitted it by write up. 33 students participated in the Session.
The Department of Animation organized a three-day hands-on Training on “EFFECTIVE USAGE OF MICROSOFT OFFICE” for the Non-teaching Staff of the institution from 09.11.2020 to 11.11.2020. This workshop provided training on how to use Microsoft Office software efficiently and easily for office work. The session was handled by Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Head of the Animation Department. Many office staff members from all departments of the college benefited by attending this training workshop. Professors M. Purushothaman, P. Kishore Kumar and M. Abdul Aziz Hakkim made all the arrangements for this workshop. Totally 11 staff members participated in this workshop.
Virtual Seminar on Online Documentation Procedures related to Exporting
ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a Virtual Seminar on “Online Documentation Procedures Related to Exporting” on 11.11.2020. Mr.G.Rajamurthy, Vice Chairman, Export Promotion Centre was the resource person. The latest amendments and developments related to Export Guidelines were expounded. Students actively participated in the Seminar and gained a detailed understanding of the Export Documentation Procedures. No. of Students Participated: 114(36+47+31)
Mr.Bharathwaj.K-18227of III B.Sc CS(SSS) conducted a Peer Teaching session through Google Meet for 52 students of III B.SC CS(SSS) on 10.11.2020. Through his power point presentation, he expounded the risk factors in Cloud and how it affects the security. Students of III B.SC CS(SSS) asked their doubts on Risk Division which was clarified by the peer teacher , Mr.Bharathwaj through a neat presentation. The students thoroughly enjoyed the technical session, wherein they acquired knowledge in Cloud Risk and Risk Division.
Ms.R.Abinaya – 18201 of III B.Sc CS(SSS) conducted a Peer Teaching session through Google Meet for 52 students of III B.SC CS(SSS), on 10.11.2020.She explained the basics of Virtual Machines and highlighted its security challenges. The students of III B.Sc CS(SSS) interacted with her and also shared their knowledge in the discussion forum.