The Department of Animation organized the “Madurai Animation Summit 2023” on November 17, 2023, at our college campus, with the goal of raising awareness among the younger generation about the growing importance, need, and future scope for animation artists. The summit featured a variety of insightful sessions, focusing on different aspects of animation production, distribution, and emerging technologies, led by both industry professionals and enthusiasts. Distinguished chief guests, including
Dr. Prabhakar Vedhamanickam, Head of the PG Department of Tamil at American College, Madurai; Mr. Darling Richard Son, renowned film editor from Chennai; and Mr. Bala Seyameshwaran, Managing Director of Seyamesh Solutions, Madurai, graced the event and shared their expert perspectives, greatly enriching the summit.
As part of the celebration, creative competitions such as Drawing, Short Film, and Photography were conducted for +1 and +2 students, allowing them to explore and showcase their artistic talents through self-made projects. The event provided a comprehensive understanding of the animation industry’s potential while nurturing the creativity of young minds, positioning the summit as a platform for learning and inspiration for the next generation of animation artists.100 Students were benefitted through this event.