ISO Training Programme was conducted in Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, on 11th December 2015 at the Board Room. Our respected guest Dr.C.S. Balasubramaniam, Retired Joint General Manager (Technical & Engineering), Madras Fertilizers Limited, Chennai, The Lead Auditor of QMS, EMS, OHSMS, SCSMS & EnMS addresses and gave the training to the ISO coordinators.
The honourable President Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, the Principals of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, R L Institute of Nautical Sciences and Krishnammal Ramasubbaiyer School, the Head Department and ISO coordinators of Animation, Commerce, Computer Science, Film and Television Production, Information Technology, Networking and Maritime Hospitality Studies were presented in the Training Programme.
Dr.C.S. Balasubramaniam explained the members present about the Quality Management System, Principles of QMS, Benefits of ISO 9001, PDCA cycle – Plan Do Check Act (Operating Principle of all ISO’s Management System Ltd), Benefits of QMS in Organisation, Types of ISO Processes and ISO 9001 clauses. The queries raised by the coordinators were cleared and the ISO Training Programme winded in a gentle manner.