• Admission open 2025-26
NIRF | IQAC | CAREERS | RESEARCH | Grievance Redressal Committee | Blossoms
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D.P.Roy Choudhury Association of Animation department organized a Industrial Visit entitled “Outdoor Learning to Azhagarkovil” on 30.06.2023 at .Outdoor learning through its immersive experience can provide a sense of time and place for critical inquiry in artmaking.Outdoor environment offers a new spectrum of opportunities that can extend the indoor class and enrich learning, especially for art.The activity provided &allows the students to express their relationship with the world around them by thinking in, through and with art.

They also can learn through what they do, through what they encounter and through what they discover. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a special way of understanding and responding to the world.

This activity enabledthe students to express what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes.Mr.Naveendra Kumar&Mr.ArulYogaraj, Assistant Professors of the department gave a demonstration on the place and the doubts were clarified on the spot. The Event ended fruitfully and 57 Students from II, III &P.G.Diploma in Animation Techniques were benefitted through this event.