The School of Animation and Media Studies (SAMS) organized an industrial tour for 18 Animation students to the prestigious “India Game Developer Conference (IGDC) 2023” from November 2 to 4, 2023. Led by Mr. P. Kishore Kumar, Head of SAMS, and two faculty members.
Over three days, students attended sessions and workshops conducted by industry experts, gaining insights into game design, emerging technologies, storytelling, market trends, and monetization strategies. They explored cutting-edge tools and technologies through interactive workshops and live demonstrations, enhancing their skills in animation, programming, and virtual reality (VR). The event highlighted the latest advancements shaping the future of gaming and emphasized the importance of creativity and innovation in the field. Students also gained exposure to real-world applications of their craft and the challenges of the industry. The conference provided invaluable opportunities for networking and career exploration, equipping students with knowledge and direction for their professional journey.