The School of Animation and Media Studies (SAMS) organized an industrial tour to the prestigious “Bengaluru GAFX Conference 2024” from January 28th to 31st, 2024, exclusively for students of Animation and Visual Communication. This enriching event was attended by Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal of SAMS, Mr. P. Kishore Kumar, Head of SAMS, along with four faculty members, who collectively guided the students through an immersive learning experience. Bengaluru GAFX, a flagship annual event supported by the Government of Karnataka, is dedicated to empowering the Animation, VFX, and Gaming communities.
The conference featured a variety of activities, including insightful panel discussions, competitive pitches to renowned studios, and live competitions, all culminating in the showcase of the GAFX 2024 Official Showreel. The students actively participated in the event, engaging with industry experts through discussions and interactions. This provided them with invaluable insights and enhanced their understanding of the latest trends and practices in the Animation, VFX, and Gaming industries, making the experience both enriching and inspiring for their future careers. A total of 30 students participated.