Department of Networking conducted Guest Lecture – “Cloud and Network Security” on 11.10.2022. The session started with the prayer song. Ms. D. Andal Priyadharshini, II B.Sc Networking, welcomed the gathering. Our Principal, Dr. R. Sujatha, Inaugurated the session, Dr. K. Archunan, Vice Principal gave the Felicitation Address and Dr. S. Priya, Dean-Academics, delivered the Special Address. The Head of the Department, Mr. M. Athigopal, introduced the Guest Mr. Arun Mohan, System & Network Administrator, Freelance IT Consultant, Kerala. Our Chief Guest delivered an intellectual lecture on Managing CISCO routing, Cloud Administration and Configuring Storage Server, which helped students to configure Routers and Cloud Security services. Our Students interacted during the session and had a proposal for real time configuration and cleared their queries. Totally 26 students attended the seminar and got brief information about cloud and network security.