Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a Field Trip to National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management – Thanjavur on 16.09.2022. The institute was glad to present, “Open Day 2022”, in commemoration of 120th birth anniversary of the former director, Dr. V. Subrahmanyan. The theme for “NIFTEM-T Open Day 2022” was Millets Processing: Science, Technology and Innovation. The program is composed of the following events: Demonstration of technology and gadgets developed by NIFTEM-T, Exhibition of successful entrepreneurs incubated by NIFTEM-T, Competitions for school and college students, Science pavilion on millets, Cultural shows on food safety and hygiene. Our students gained a practical exposure on various processing equipments, nutrient analysis, food microbiology and various food product development strategies emphasizing skill and entrepreneurship. Dr. Hema, Scientist, NIFTEM-T, briefed the history and working principles of the organization, career opportunities, hands on training and internship details. Totally, 34 students of I, II, III year FSPM and three faculty members benefited through this visit.