I and II-year B.Com, (B&I) students organized a farewell meet for the III-year B.Com, (B&I) students on March 29, 2024, at the NS annexure building. The program commenced with a prayer song, followed by the welcome address that is delivered by Mr. HITENDHAR SINGH.U of II B.Com, (B&I). The presidential address was delivered by Mrs.V.Padmavathy, Head of the Department, Mr. N. Arunkumar, Dr.A.Devi, and Mrs.E.Hema conducted this session. Mrs.V.Padmavathy, Head of the Department, conveyed the best wishes to all the outgoing students. Many games were conducted by I and II year B.Com (B&I) students to entertain the III year students. The program ended with a National Anthem.