• Admission open 2024-25
NIRF | IQAC | CAREERS | RESEARCH | Grievance Redressal Committee | Blossoms
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The IQAC & ICT Academy Cell of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai, jointly organized a Faculty Development Program on STRESS MANAGEMENT” on 23.03.2023, 24.03.2023 & 25.03.2023 in the College premises. Mr. K. Nirmal Kumar, Senior Manager, T & D, ICT Academy and Ms.Simi Kalakamb, Senior Trainer – Training & Development, ICT Academy were the Resource persons. Mr. P. Kishore Kumar, Assistant Professor cum HoD I/C welcomed the gathering. The Principal, Dr. R. Sujatha, delivered the Presidential Address. Followed by her the Dean Academics, Dr. S. Priya, Felicitated the gathering. Mrs. R. Suganthi Hepzibha, IQAC Assistant Coordinator, introduced the Resource Persons to the Forum.

Mr. K. Nirmal Kumar explained the range of strategies to help better to deal with stress and difficulty (adversity) in the life. The resource person insisted that managing stress can help to lead a more balanced and healthier life. He also conducted various activities to burst out the stress.

Ms. Simi Kalakamb detailed that stress is an automatic physical, mental and emotional response to a challenging event. She also explained the different types of stress management activities that one can do to make stress. They are Exercise, Utilize mindfulness, Try therapy and coaching, Time management, Spend time in nature and Eat healthily.

The session was really an eye opener for all the faculty members. Totally, 68 faculty members participated in the FDP. Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Assistant Professor of Animation proposed the Vote of Thanks.