On June 23, 2023, the Department of Animation successfully conducted a workshop titled “Experience Meets Aspiration: Enhancing Soft Skills for All Levels.” The primary objective of the workshop was to improve communication skills among students and address common barriers to effective communication. The session was handled by Dr. S. Priya, Dean of Academics, who brought her wealth of experience and knowledge to guide the participants.
Dr. Priya’s session focused on practical techniques for enhancing verbal and non-verbal communication, fostering better understanding, and overcoming communication challenges. The interactive workshop allowed students to engage in discussions and activities designed to help them identify and overcome their communication weaknesses, encouraging more confidence and clarity in their interactions.
Overall, the workshop provided valuable insights and strategies for improving communication skills, helping students develop essential soft skills for personal and professional success.The Event ended fruitfully andtotally 55 students from II, III B.Sc. Animation were benefitted through this event.