On 24th July 2019, DP Roy Choudhury Association in Department of Animation celebrated its 3rd Annual meet. Ms.Subhiksha of II Animation delivered welcome Address. Mr.P.Thirunavukarsu delivered presidential address and announced the newly elected Association members (Chairman: Ms.P.Uma, III Animation, Vice Chairman: Mr.B.Sunderaswaran, III Animation, Secretary: Mr.M.R.Nirmal, III Animation, Joint Secretary: Mr.K.D.Suriya Prakash, II Animation, Executives: Mr.G.V.Gokul Ram & Ms. J.Nivetha, II Animation). Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Coordinator spoke about setting the Aim & Goal. Mr.P.Kishore Kumar spoke about Alumni contributions and relationship between Seniors & Juniors. Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim spoke about the importance of Project works. Senior students welcomed their juniors. New members of the association shared their suggestions and feedback about the programme.