Techno Fest Association, Department of Computer Science (SSS), celebrated the birthday of the Computer Legend Mr.Wesley Allison Clark, was an American physicist who is credited for designing the first modern personal computerwas celebrated on 10.04.2023 at the Seminar Hall. The students from I BSC CS (SSS) and II BSC CS (SSS) have attended the Session.The celebration started with the welcome address delivered by P. Gokulannamalai, II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mrs. D. Padmapriya, Head of the Department rendered the felicitation address. Sasi Regha S, II BSC CS (SSS) delivered speech on the computer legend Mr.Wesley Allison Clark. As a part of the celebration, R.Divya & V.Vanitha from II BSC CS(SSS) conducted a technical Quiz program I BSC CS (SSS) and II BSC CS (SSS) students. Totally 82 students participated in the computer legend birthday and got benefitted. The session was concluded with Vote of Thanks delivered by T.Karthi of II BSC CS(SSS).