Value Added Course on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

The Departments of Computer Science and of Networking, jointly conducted a Value Added Course on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” for the II Year Computer Science and Networking students from 02.01.2020 to 10.01.2020. Mr.Nanuswamy & Mrs.Naveena Swamy, members of IIT PALS, Chennai and Mr.M.Vignesh, CTO Quantanics, trained the students.

The students were trained in the working principles of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Python Programming. The hands- on sessions were arranged for the students so that they can create projects and products using various AI & ML Algorithms. The students were divided in to 8 Teams under various names and Logos. Practical tasks were assigned by the trainers on a daily basis. All the teams developed products using AI & ML Concepts.

On 10.01.2020, the Valedictory program was organized , wherein the students demonstrated their developed products and explained their work through presentations.

Alumni Interaction

A prominent Alumna  of Computer Science Department, Ms.R.Shruthi Lakshmi (Batch: 2014 – 2017), Programmer, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Chennai interacted with the   I year CS (SSS) students on 09.01.2020. She explained the Job opportunities available at TCS and the latest technologies implemented in MNCs.

It was an eye opening session for the students. Many upcoming Technologies and its applications were discussed. Ms.R.Shruthi Lakshmi spoke of the importance of Value Added Courses and advised the students to take up Online Courses in UiPath Academy. She also urged them to update their knowledge with Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation (RPA). She highlighted the job opportunities available and the demand for such domain experts in the near future.

Extension Activity Report

An awareness program on Digital India was conducted at T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai on 09/12/2019 by the Department of CS, SLCS. The program started with the welcome speech given by Mr.Kasi Rajan, Head Master, T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai. Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Asst. Professor, Department of CS, SLCS gave a brief introduction on Digital India initiatives and its importance in our day to day life.

R.K.Nagadivya, R.V.Vijayalaxmi, M.S.Raagem, K.S.Shalini, A.S.Priyadharshini, S.Shruthikaa and N.B.Nandhini from II B.Sc CS (SSS) conducted 3 events a quiz, skit and awareness speeches. Through this event the school students came to know the various features of Digital India initiatives.

The program came to an end with feedback from the students of the school and vote of thanks delivered by a faculty of the school. The faculty members and students of SLCS were thanked for conducting this awareness program for their school students.


A two day training workshop on “Web Development using Node JS and Angular JS” was held on 08.11.2019 and 02.12.2019 for the II B.Sc CS (SSS) and III B.Sc CS(SSS) students. The resource person of this session, Mr.Sabarinathan Muthu, Executive Manager, Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore provided strong knowledge in web programming domain.

         He also trained the students through a practical session by giving them an individual projects in Web Development. This practical session helped the students to know the importance of web designing and how to design a web page using Node JS & Angular JS.

Totally 44 students got benefited through this program.

Association Meet-KalaiSaral

On 26 November 2019, KalaiSaral, the Association Meet was held by the Department of Computer Science. This provided a good platform for the students to develop their skills. The students of I and II year of B.Sc CS took part in this event. The program started at 11am with the Prayer Song followed by the welcome speech, delivered by Mr. Prem Kumar of II B.Sc CS.

Mrs. N. Anuradha, Head of Computer Science department, appreciated the students who dedicatedly organized this event, and also motivated them to participate in such kinds of event. Ms. P. Stella Grace, Asst. Prof of Computer Science department, encouraged the students to bring out their hidden talents.

Students who participated in TechTalk event and Peer Teaching Session were appreciated by the Computer Science department along with the students, who performed a skit in the Community Radio Shyamalavani. Certificates were distributed to these students.

Non-technical events such as Knowledge Boost, Look Me Merger Me, Brain Twister, Find Me, Doodle Finding, Hear It and On the Spot were organized by the students of II B.Sc CS. The students of I and II B.Sc CS enthusiastically participated in these events. The winner of this event will be announced at the next KalaiSaral event of this semester.

The Meet came to an end with the vote of thanks, delivered by Ms. R. K. Nagadivya of II CS. The students were able to expose their talents through this program.

Value Added Course

Value Added Course on “Cyber Security (Ethical Hacking)”   was conducted for the III B.Sc CS students from 11.11.2019 to 23.11.2019. Mr. S.Vivek,   Mr.G.Dinesh and   Mr.Arun Kumar from Ozone Cyber Security, Trichy trained the students on Cyber Security Concepts. The students worked with the Hacking tools and performed System Hacking, Web Server Hacking, SQL Injection in an ethical way. The students benefitted with the hands-on session given by the trainers. Based on the performance of the students in the assignments allotted during the training program, two students got job Opportunities at Ozone Cyber Security, Trichy.


The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on HTML 5 for the I year students of CS from 11.11.2019 to 22.11.2019

Mr.N.Shaliya , COE, Zerame Solutions, Chennai was the trainer. The students were trained with CSS and Javascript.  Through this course the students were able to create their own websites using HTML 5 and Java Script. They were also trained to appear for Microsoft International Certification in HTML5.

TechTalk Event

A TechTalk session was conducted on 22 November 2019 by the Department of Computer Science(SSS) for the students of II B.Sc CS(SSS). Ms. R. Abinaya presented a paper on “IOT”. Mr. P. Nirmal Raj gave a presentation on “Augmented Reality” and Ms. S. Shruthikaa spoke about “Augmented Reality” with Power Point presentation.

Career Guidance

The Department of CS & the Department of Networking jointly organized a Career Guidance programme on 21.11.2019 for the II year students at the Seminar Hall. Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Dept. of CS introduced the Chief Guest, Mr.Wilber Saloman, IT Dept, Dinamalar. He addressed students on the topic “How to create a Resume based on Job Description?”.

The Chief Guest urged students to prepare their resumes based on the Job Description given in Online Job Portals such as Naukri , TimeJobs, Monster etc. He advised the students to upload their resumes in Online Job Portals as they may receive telephone calls from the Job Portals. This will help the students to get an idea as to, “How to face an interview?”.  It may also help the students get internship training and placement opportunities.

TechTalk Event

On 15 November 2019, a TechTalk session was conducted by the Department of Computer Science. Students of II B.Sc CS(SSS) presented their papers during this session. Mr. V. Shivaa shared his knowledge on “Recent Technology”. Mr. P. K. Dilip Kumar explained “Intelligent Apps” through a Power Point presentation and Mr. L. N. S. K. Surajkumar presented a paper on “Virtual Reality”. A paper on “Block Chain” was presented by Ms. K. Karthiga. The session ended with a speech on “Recent Technology” by Ms. K. Karthiyayini.