The Department of B.Com (Banking & Insurance) conducted a valuable course in economics in banking from July 3 to July 13, 2024, which held in Hall No. 112. The course, led by Mr. K. Hariharan, an alumnus from the batch of 2020-23, was specifically designed for third-year students preparing for their Diploma in Banking and Finance exam. This course aimed to provide targeted insights and practical knowledge, proving to be highly beneficial for the student’s exam preparation and their future careers in the banking and finance sector. Totally 80 students got benefited from this programme.


On July 17, 2024, the Department of B.Com (Banking & Insurance) hosted a career guidance awareness Programme in Hall No. 114, organized and  collaborated with The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). The session featured Mr. Raja from the ICSI Madurai Chapter, who serves as the Secretary. The program was designed for first-year students, providing valuable insights into career opportunities and guidance in the field of company secretaries, helping them understand the pathways and benefits of pursuing this profession. Totally 66 students got benefited from this programme


The Department of Botany at Lady Doak College organized State Level Inter Collegiate Meet on 05.01.2024.Totally,5Students from I Year of B.COM (Banking &Insurance) participated in theInter Collegiate Meet. Mrs.E.Hema, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (B&I) accompanied the students. The students received participation certificates for all the events.


The Department of Commerce participated in Intercollegiate Meet organised by Mangayarkarasi College of Arts and Science for Women on February 29, 2024. Totally, 15 students from I Year (B.Com B&I ) had participated in the Inter Collegiate Meet. Mrs. E.Hema, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (B&I), accompanied the students. Miss. S.Sai Sruthi and Miss. K.A.Priya Dharshini of I (Banking & Insurance) received the first prize in Photography  Event, and Miss. G.Keerthiga and Miss. Bhuvanewshwari of I (Banking & Insurance) received the third prize in the Rangoli competition. The participants received  awards for their active participation in all the events.

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The Department of Commerce (B&I) conducted a value-added course on Tally ERP9 for the students of II B.Com. B&I, for 5 days from February 12, 2024  to February 16,2024.

Course Outcome

  • The students were able to gain expertise in accounting concepts and the double entry system using Tally ERP9 software.
  • The students got familiar with the features and important components of Tally ERP9 software.
  • The students gained proficiency in the processing and recording of transactions and managing account information using Tally ERP9 software.

        SSI Education Institute from Madurai takeup the session in an effective manner for all 80 students in II B.Com,(B&I). The students worked out more problems using Tally ERP9, and they became proficient in using Tally ERP9 software as well. They were motivated and inspired to choose their career using Tally ERP 9 software..


The Department of Commerce (Banking and Insurance) has conducted a value added program on ‘Digital Banking’ for I-Year students from March 4, 2024, to March 8, 2024. Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep, Assistant Professor, RLIMS, addressed the session. The expert covered topics related to Digital Marketing concepts, theories, and practices in digital banking and made the session interactive and effective. Totally 47 students of I B.Com,(B&I) benefited from this program.

Course Outcome

  • The students understand the definition and scope of digital/e-banking and how it differs from conventional banking.
  • The students analyzed current trends, directions, and innovations within the digital banking industry.


The Department of Commerce (Banking and Insurance) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized an Educational Tour to “Vagamon and Cochin” on March 14, 2024 (Thursday) to March 16, 2024 (Saturday) to explore the places, culture, and food of our neighboring state. The students got an opportunity to visit the tourist places in and around Cochin and gain commercial knowledge through this visit by interacting with the local people. This way of experiential learning motivated the students to initiate startups in the future at tourist places.


The Department of Commerce (Banking and Insurance) organized a seminar on the Awareness and Opportunities of the Securities Market in India on January 6, 2024 for II and III B.Com students at Seminar hall. Mr. B. Badrinarayanan, Senior Executive, BSE IPF, Chennai, and Mr.B.Karthick, Head, Tamil Nadu Region CDSL, have been invited as the Resource Person for the seminar. They explianed in detail about awareness of the stock market, types of investor in the stock market and the Indian stock market instruments.

Outcome of the Programme

  • Understand the basics of securities markets.
  • Examine the current state of stock exchange awareness in India.
  • Know the factors that discourage investing in the stock market.


The Department of Commerce participated in state – level intercollegiate meet organised by Lady Doak College on February 16, 2024. Totally, 15 students from I Year of B.COM (Banking & Insurance) participated in the Inter Collegiate Meet. Mrs.E.Hema, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (B&I), accompanied the students. The students received participation certificates for all the events.


            I and II-year B.Com, (B&I) students organized a farewell meet for the III-year B.Com, (B&I) students on March 29, 2024, at the NS annexure building. The program commenced with a prayer song, followed by the welcome address that is delivered by Mr. HITENDHAR SINGH.U of II B.Com, (B&I). The presidential address was delivered by Mrs.V.Padmavathy, Head of the Department, Mr. N. Arunkumar, Dr.A.Devi, and Mrs.E.Hema conducted this session. Mrs.V.Padmavathy, Head of the Department, conveyed the best wishes to all the outgoing students. Many games were conducted by I and II year B.Com (B&I) students to entertain the III year students. The program ended with a National Anthem.