Career guidance programme was organized by Department of Commerce, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, on 10-05-2018, at AV Room, RLINS. 81 students participated in the programme with their parents. Welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Padmavathy, HOD Commerce, Presidential address was given by Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal, SLCS. Chief Guest CA.P.Selvaraj, gave an in-depth knowledge about Chartered Accountant Course and how B.Com (Honours) Course curriculum helps in accomplishing it. He also explained how this course will help in their Career in future. Dr.S.Senbaganathan, Asst.Prof. Dept. of Commerce, R.D.Govt. Arts College, Sivagangai had advised students course with value added will help them in getting better opportunities in future also he stated that studying commerce provides the scope to work in various fields. Mr.Hariharan, an aluminus had shared his experience like do’s and don’ts during the course duration. Mr.Aditya Kaashyap an aluminus had given a speech about the internship and how to utilize that experience for further development. During the question session parents raised many question regarding the C.A Course and it was clarified by the resource person, they felt happy about the programme as it helped them in deciding their ward’s future. Then vote of thanks given by Dr.K.Archunan, Vice Principal. The programme ended with the National Anthem.
Bank Expo
Cuentas Association of Commerce department organized Bank Expo on 01-02-2018 between 1.00 p.m to 4.00 p.m. Students of II B.Com (B&I) explained the concepts and practices of Banking through charts and power point presentation. Dr.P.Saravana visited the bank expo and appreciated that students had presented a virtual bank. The students and faculties of other department also visited the bank expo and gained more knowledge on banking concepts and practices.
Tuticorin Port – Visit
Tuticorin Port – Visit
The Department of Commerce organized to visit a day trip to Tuticorin on 19.01.2018. The second year students had the opportunity of visiting the Tuticorin Port – V O Chidambaranar Port Trust. The students got a hands-on experience of the functioning of the Port, signal station and known about how the goods were loading and unloading. They were accompanied by their faculty members Dr.(Mrs)S.Gurupriya, Ms.Shanmugapriya.B, Mr.Bernoard and S.Kumar.
Dinamalar Visit
The Department of Commerce organized to visit a day trip to Dinamalar press on 11.1.2018. The First year B.Com (B&I) students were got the awareness about printing processes and the news printing technology, they also known about the ink used in newspapers. In that they were explained about the news the software used in printing and logistics management. They were accompanied by faculty members Dr.(Mrs.)S.Gurupriya, Ms.Shanmugapriya.B and Mr.Bernoard.
Campus Recruitment Drive
Campus Recruitment Drive
As a premier institution of Madurai, SLCS continued to enjoy immense confidence of the recruiters for placement for the batch of 2015-2018. The Eureka Forbes conducted the campus recruitment drive for the third year students of Commerce Department in our college campus on 09-01-2018 one panel member were from the Eureka Forbes, Madurai Branch. Around 25 students participated in the recruitment. The recruitment drive consists of Group Discussion, and personal interview. Each and every student performed well. The recruiters felt happy and also were satisfied about the performance of the students. Finally, four students were selected; the department felt really happy that all the students participated with confidence and the department congratulates the selected candidates.
Work shop on “E-Taxation”
Work shop on “E-Taxation”
As part of academic enhancement, All the III year B.Com (B&I) students attended the “E-Taxation” workshop on 18-12-2017 . Mr. S.Rathinagiri, C.A., Auditor & Mr.S.Baskaran, CMA., explained how to file e-tax in both the direct and indirect taxes, the auditor given the detail about the digital signature, and explained about the ITR filing procedures in practical and he also explained about how commerce helps in information technology implementations which was very helpful and it also help them to update their knowledge in this specified area. All the students actively participated and also they got clarification on the topic.
Career Counselling
சுப்பலெஷ்மி லெஷ்மிபதி அறிவியல் கல்லூரியில் 20.11.2017 அன்று மூன்றாமாண்டு மாணவர்களுக்கான எதிர்கால வாழ்வியல் ஆலோசனை கருத்தரங்கம் (Career Couselling )நடைபெற்றது. இந்நிகழ்ச்சியில் முதல்வர் டாக்டர் பி.சரவணன் அவர்கள் மாணவர்களின் வளர்ச்சிக்கு மென் திறன்களான பக்தி, மனதை ஒருநிலைப்படுத்துதல், ஆளுமைத்திறன் மொழிப்பயன்பாடு ஆகியவை முக்கியத்துவம் வாய்ந்த ஒன்று என்பதால் அவற்றை உணர்ந்து செயல்பட வேண்டும் என்று தமது வாழ்த்துரையில் கூறினார். சிறப்பு விருந்தினர் டாக்டர் D.P.N பிரசாந்த் (Educational Management and Strategy Consultant) அவர்கள் மாணவர்களுக்கு குறிக்கோள் வேண்டும். அக்குறிக்கோளை அடைவதற்கு என்னால் முடியும் என்ற தன்னம்பிக்கை மற்றும் மனஉறுதியை வளர்த்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று தமது சிறப்புரையில் கூறினார். தங்கமயில் ஜுவல்லரி தலைமை பொறுப்பு அதிகாரி திரு.ஏ.விஷ்வ நாரயணன் அவர்கள் மாணவர்களின் இலட்சிய கனவுகள் வெற்றி அடைவதற்கு உழைக்க வேண்டும். அவற்றோடு மொழி அறிவு திறனை மேம்படுத்தும் முயற்சிகளை மேற்கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று தமது உரையில் கூறனார். துணை முதல்வர் திரு.மு.அர்ச்சுனன் அவர்கள் கலந்து கொண்டார்.
Career Counselling on how to face Diploma in banking and finance (DBF) exam.
Mr.Vijayavel alumnus (2013-15 batch)of banking & insurance gave a guest lecture about how to face Diploma in banking and finance (DBF) examination and career experience in city union bank on 10.11.2017. It was very useful to the students of especially for III B.Com (B&I) students who are preparing for DBF exam in coming week and to the students who were selected by city union bank .It was also very useful for I & II year students who are going to write DBF exam in future years, all the students of banking & insurance are able to get clear knowledge of how to prepare for DBF exam and about the working scenario in city union bank.
Campus Interview – CUB
As a premier institution of Madurai, SLCS continued to enjoy immense confidence of the recruiters for placement for the batch of 2015-2018. Initially the City Union Bank conducted the campus recruitment drive for the third year students of Commerce Department in our college campus on 02.11.2017. Six panel members were from the City Union Bank, Head Office, Kumbakkonam. Around 35 students participated in the recruitment. The recruitment drive consists of essay writing test, On-line aptitude test and personal interview. Each and every student performed well. The recruiters felt happy and also were satisfied about the performance of the students. The department felt really happy that all the students participated with confidence and enthusiasm.
Orientation Programme
On 1st November, 2017 in MBA Hall, Orientation Programme for I, II & III B.Com Students was organized by the Department of Commerce on 01.11.2017. The programme commenced with Prayer followed by the Key note was delivered by Mrs.V.Padmavathy , HOD of Commerce Department of SLCS. Dr.S.Gurupriya and Ms.B.Shanmugapriya, Asst. Professor conducted the Ice Breaking Session.