Factory Visit to Singai Coir Clusters Private Limited

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a factory visit to Singai Coir Clusters Private Limited, Singampunari, Sivagangai District on 22.10.2021. The students learnt in detail the production processes involved in the manufacturing of coir mats. The logistics operations involved in this process were also explained in detail. The students had a great learning experience. Totally 108 students comprising of I, II and III year BBA participated and got benefited through this visit.

Workshop on Visual Effects

The D. P. Roy Choudhury Association of Animation Department organized a one day workshop on “Visual Effects” for the II & III Year Students of Animation & Viscom on 22.10.2021, Friday in the Auditorium. The Workshop commenced with a welcome address by Mr.S.Praveen Kumar, Asst. Prof., Department of Animation. The trainer of the workshop was Mr.Saravana Kumar Pazhani–VFX Head, Kreatuz Grafix, Chennai coordinated the students, He showed the students on how to utilize the Chroma key studio and took a technical class by doing cloning and crowd creation using Roto for the students in the Auditorium. The Workshop was compered by C.Hemalatha III Year and S.Madhubala II Year student from Department of Animation. The workshop provided the students with the Basics of Visual Effects techniques, industry workflow and opportunities during the session. The Students took part very actively in the workshop. They felt workshops like this will give them the right foundation and insight into future ventures and all the students gave a positive feedback. Totally 150 students participated in the workshop.

“Importance of Low Salt intake in Diet”

The Health & Nutrition club of the department of FSPM conducted a session on “Importance of Low Salt intake in Diet” for the club students. The student coordinator , Mr.R.Blesson from the department of MCHM welcomed the gathering and conducted the event. Totally 15 students eagerly participated and benefited from it. They enjoyed and said that it was an informative session and would be very useful for them in their future. The sole aim of the activity conducted was to impart skills to the target group. This will build their confidence and inculcate a sense of social responsibility among the students.


Business Valutions

The event / program “Business Valuations” was organised by the “Lakshya”, Department Association of MBA Program on 21st Oct 2021 at 2.30 pm through Google Meet (at Auditorium). The resources person for the program was Prof. Cambell Parsons, Professor (Finance), Hanze University, The Netherlands, Europe. The event was organised to facilitate the learning and comprehending various aspects of business valuations and decisions thereupon. 104 MBA students benefited out of this event.

Webinar on “Role of Young Chefs on Promoting and Creating the Healthy Food”

The Department of Hotel Management and Catering Science, GTN Arts College, Dindigul and the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai and RVS College of Arts and Science, Department of Catering Science and Hotel Management, Coimbatore have jointly organized and celebrated “International Chef Day” via webinar on 20.10.21. Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head of the Department, gave the welcome speech. Executive Chef.Selvaraju Ramasamy, Vivanta by Taj, MG Road, Bangalore, addressed the students and spoke about the importance of Millet food, millet food preparation and their nutritive value, general   food and food safety and Food contamination. Mr. R.Ganesh, Asst.Professor, delivered the Vote of Thanks. This webinar motivated and encouraged the students. Totally 75 students got benefited through this program.

Alumni interaction

The Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I)  organized  an Interactive session with our alumni, Ms.K.ANJANA  (2017 – 2020) batch, working as HRA, CONDUENT SOLUTIONS, interacted with  the students (80) of I B.Com (B& I)   and the students of  III B.Com (65)( B& I) on 20.10.2021  by sharing her work experience. She explained job opportunities available in MNC’s and also gave guidelines for attending the interview.  All the students thanked her for sharing her experience.

Workshop on “Bakery craft and Confectionery skills”

The Department of Marine Catering & Hotel Management and the Department of Food Science and  Processing Management have jointly organized a Workshop on “Bakery Craft and Confectionery skills” on 19.10.2021. 53 (III year) students from MC&HM, 27 (II &III year) students from FS &PM, totally 80 students  eagerly participated in this program. The workshop started with the welcome speech which was delivered by Ms.P.Harine, III B.Sc., FSPM and the chief guest introduction was given by Mr.K.Perumal Kannan, Asst.Professor, Department of MC&HM. This workshop was presented to the students which includes theoretical, practical oriented workshop cum demonstration, hands on training program with manufacturing aspects. Chef Kaleeswaran Honorary Secretary of Karaikudi Bakery Owners Association was a resource person this Program. The activity began with an elaborate explanation of the millet cookies, Dough nuts, Danish Pastries, different varities of Rolls & Breads and different varieties of Cakes & Gateau preparations. The program ended with a vote of thanks given by Mr.K.Jagadesh, III B.Sc, MC&HM. Feedback was collected and it shows students were satisfied with this workshop.

Webinar on “How to become an Entrepreneur”

FAGAS, an association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management& EDP Cell jointly organized an Webinar entitled “How to become an Entrepreneur” on 19.10.2021 through this link https://meet.google.com/lookup/fcfel7kuiq?authuser=0&hs=179  between 6.00 and 6.30 pm. The resource person of this webinar is Mr.Jim waltre, trainer for IBPS& Financial Adviser explained about the steps involved in getting the loan to start a small scale industry. He also enlightened the students about the loan formalities and procedures to start a business which is a part of Food Entrepreneurship & Food Regulation and Plant Management course. This webinar would definitely help students to get an idea about getting a loan for starting up a small scale enterprise. The session was interactive and the resource persons answered the participant’s queries. Totally 36 students of our department (I, II and III year students )got benefited from this webinar. The feedback of this webinar was collected from the students and the feedback showed that the students were highly satisfied with this webinar.

Student Achievement in ACCA Exam Paper

Mr. J.S.Sanjay, final year student of B.Com., (Hons’) ACCA, successfully passed the Knowledge level examination in ACCA course F7: Financial Reporting on September 2021. The result was announced from the ACCA (UK) on 18.10.2021. He also cleared 7 ACCA papers (6 exempted papers + 1 Non-exempted paper) successfully. His academic performance is highly appreciable and career guidance is continuously given by our Professors, Principal and Management of our esteemed Institution of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science. The Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA appreciated the remarkable performance of Mr. J.S.Sanjay in the ACCA examination.

Workshop on Masking Techniques in UNITY

The II & III Year students and faculty team of Animation department attended a workshop on “Masking Techniques in UNITY” on 17.10.2021, Sunday between 02:00 PM and 04:00 PM through Google meet. The workshop was organized by IMSK, Chennai. The workshop provided the students with the Basics of Masking Techniques, the industry workflow and opportunities in the gaming industry. The trainer of the workshop was Mr.Prabhakar -from IMSK. The Students took part very actively in the workshop; and all the students gave positive feedback. Totally 75 students and 5 faculties participated in the workshop.