Extension Activity

The Department Of Networking conducted an Extension Activities on “PC Assembling and Disassembling” in Government Higher Secondary School, Parapathi. The welcome address was given by D. Muthu Abinaya of 3rd Year Networking. Inauguration speech is given by the Head Misters Mrs. Chitrakalamani in the event. The   Head of the Department Mr.M.Athigopal gave introduction speech about the event. Our students were taking classes to the Computer Science students about PC Assembling and Disassembling using Laptop and PowerPoint Presentation. The practical classes were given to the students. The Vote of thanks was given to the students by M. Janani of 2nd Year Networking. The session ended with National Anthem.


As a placement initiative on 20.09.2017, Mrs. N.Anuradha, Coordinator and Mrs.N.Nirmala Devi, Internship In-charge, Dept. of CS interacted with III B.Sc CS students to give awareness in multiple career opportunities in IT industry.

They guided students to identify their interests and advised them to work on it. They also advised them to develop projects during their vacation time to improve their skills. They instructed students to prepare resume and submit it to the department as softcopy and hardcopy. The session was informative and enriching for students. A mock interview also conducted for all III B.Sc CS & III B.Sc IT students.

20th Graduation Day

Subbalakshmi  Lakshmipathi College of Science  and  R L Institute of Management Studies, Madurai Organized its 20th Graduation Day on 16th September 2017. Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal welcomed the gathering. Dr.N.Kamakodi, MD & CEO, City Union Bank was the Chief Guest. In his speech, he mentioned that the job oriented courses offered by the college would immediately provide job to the students. He emphasized to the students,  that education and sincerity would help the industry grow which in turn would develop the country. Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, President of the college said that today lot of graduates are not employed, hence this college offers only job oriented courses with the faculty giving individual care and hands on training. He urged the students to take into consideration Digital India’s growth and fine tune themselves. Dr.L.Ramasubbu, Secretary, Mr.R.Ramkumar, Management Executive, DR.P.Saravanan, Principal, Dr.R.L.Ramnath, COE, officials from City Union Bank, faculty members and parents participated.Dr.N.Kamakodi, MD & CEO, City Union Bank presents the degree certificates.


Department of Hotel Management and catering science of  Kodaikannal Christian college ,Kodaikannal has organized the Food Festival and conducted the competition like Fireless cooking and flower arrangement , our department 8 students has participated in that program


Training in Chemical Usage in House Keeping

The department of Marine Catering and hotel Management has organized Training in Chemical Usage in House Keeping for the staff working in the canteen and Mess staff on 15.09.2017. we have discussed Health and physical hazards of the cleaning chemicals ,Proper handling, use and storage of all cleaning chemicals being used including dilution and Procedures when a cleaning product must be diluted before use.

National Seminar on “ Tourism and Hospitality Education in India ”

Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized National Seminar on the topic “ Tourism and Hospitality Education in India”on 15.9.2017.   We have invited Mr. Lenin Balakrishnan, Lemuria India Holidays, as Chief Guest. Mr. M.S. Rajmohan, Head, GTN College of Arts and Science & Alumni of our college enthusiastically participated in this National Seminar. Nearly around 7 colleges from TamilNadu and other states have actively participated in this seminar. Nearly 150 (including staff and students) paper presentation script was received and totally seven students from our college & other colleges have taken seminar. The outcome of this seminar was excellent, many of the students gained the importance of tourism and its development in india as well as in other countries. The basic requirement essential to uplift the hospitality professionals in their own field, the prospects of tourism in the world wide, the upcoming of digital tourism based on technological implementation and the various steps taken by the government to develop, improve the tourism in India.


As part of academic achievement, CUENTAS Association organized a technical programme on the topic “Marketing strategy”. All the commerce students participated in this programme. Ms.Selvameena of I B.Com gave the welcome address and the felicitation address was given by Mr.K.Rajesh Kumar, Asst.Prof & Head, of BBA Department. The II and I year B.Com students presented their papers. The presentations were judged based on three categories i.e. subject knowledge, body language & verbal delivery. Two teams were selected as best presentaters –  I – Mr.Mukil Prabhu & Krishore Kumar, of II B.Com & II – Mr. Vijay Pravin & Anjana of I B.Com. Totally 9 papers were presented. In the other event, that is Ad-Act event 4 teams participated. The participants were judged on the criterion – concept and activity. Two teams were selected as the best teams – the first place went to Team – A of I B.Com and second place was secured by Team B of III B.Com. The Vote of thanks was given by Ms.Sugirtha of I B.Com.

Talent Hunt

As part of the student’s overall growth a Talent Hunt was organized to help the students exhibit their talent and to bring out their hidden talent. It started with a III year B.Com student teaching a few dance steps to the other students. Many students exhibited their multiple talents with the I year girls and boys leading the way. The first year students sang many songs and also staged a skit on the suicide of “Anita”. It was a very enlightening afternoon for the students.


Students from II BBA have been motivated to undertake seminars for their juniors. Students accepted the responsibility and discharged it effectively. The students from I BBA had an interesting experience to listen to their seniors. They also took it as an example of enhancing their communication skills and taking up similar initiatives in the future.

Diabetes Awareness Programme

Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and Thangamayil Jewellery organized a Diabetes Awareness programme with  Dr.V.Palanikumaran MD., D.Diab (MMC) for the faculty members at the college premises on 09.09.2017 at 3.00 pm. The programme was presided by Principal of SLCS, Dr.P.Saravanan and the Chief Organizing Officer of  Thangamayil Jewellery  Mr.V.Vishvaa Narayan.

The principal, in his speech mentioned the importance of Diabetes Awareness and also gave a simple but effective way to control Diabetes that is RED – Rest, Exercise and Diet. Mr.V.Vishvaa Narayan, Chief Organizing Officer, spoke of the association between Thangamayil Jewellery  and Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and also introduced the speaker Dr.V.Palani Kumaran.

Dr.V.Palani Kumaran spoke at length about diabetes, sharing his knowledge about the types of diabetes, symptoms and the treatment to control diabetes. This was followed by an interesting interaction between the faculty and the doctor.

Mr. Suresh Raja of the department of Business Administration not only welcomed the guests and faculty members but also thanked them.