Career Counselling

சுப்பலெஷ்மி லெஷ்மிபதி அறிவியல் கல்லூரியில்  20.11.2017  அன்று மூன்றாமாண்டு மாணவர்களுக்கான எதிர்கால வாழ்வியல் ஆலோசனை கருத்தரங்கம் (Career Couselling )நடைபெற்றது. இந்நிகழ்ச்சியில் முதல்வர் டாக்டர் பி.சரவணன் அவர்கள் மாணவர்களின் வளர்ச்சிக்கு மென் திறன்களான பக்தி, மனதை ஒருநிலைப்படுத்துதல், ஆளுமைத்திறன் மொழிப்பயன்பாடு ஆகியவை முக்கியத்துவம் வாய்ந்த ஒன்று என்பதால் அவற்றை உணர்ந்து செயல்பட வேண்டும் என்று தமது வாழ்த்துரையில் கூறினார். சிறப்பு விருந்தினர்  டாக்டர் D.P.N பிரசாந்த் (Educational Management and Strategy Consultant)  அவர்கள் மாணவர்களுக்கு குறிக்கோள் வேண்டும். அக்குறிக்கோளை அடைவதற்கு  என்னால் முடியும் என்ற தன்னம்பிக்கை மற்றும் மனஉறுதியை வளர்த்துக் கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று தமது சிறப்புரையில் கூறினார். தங்கமயில் ஜுவல்லரி தலைமை பொறுப்பு அதிகாரி திரு.ஏ.விஷ்வ நாரயணன் அவர்கள் மாணவர்களின் இலட்சிய கனவுகள் வெற்றி அடைவதற்கு உழைக்க வேண்டும். அவற்றோடு மொழி அறிவு திறனை மேம்படுத்தும் முயற்சிகளை மேற்கொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று தமது உரையில் கூறனார். துணை முதல்வர் திரு.மு.அர்ச்சுனன் அவர்கள் கலந்து கொண்டார்.

Mentor Meeting

As per the time table, an introductory mentor meeting for the even semester 2017 – 18 was commenced on 16.11.2017 at Seminar Hall by 11.10 AM. During this meet, all mentors asked about grievances from their mentees. Also the mentors informed the students that, there will be a mentor meeting every month 3rd Thursday between 11.10 AM to 12.05 PM (Third hour). So students can share their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.

Career counselling on “Internship training openings at ARK Technologies”

Batch               : 2015 – 2018                 Academic Year     : 2017 – 2018

Year                : III Year                        Date                     : 16-11-2017

Counselor Name:

  1. P. A. Maniram, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, SLCS.
  2. S. Vignesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, SLCS.

Counseling Given To III B.Sc. Computer Science & III B.Sc Information Technology


Students were informed regarding the internship training openings at ARK Technologies, Velmurugan Nagar, Bypass Road, Madurai. The company is looking for the web developers who are good at PHP, MySQL, and Java can utilize this opportunity.

III B.Sc. IT students should report by 17 / 11 / 2017 [Friday] 10 : 40 am at the company.

III B.Sc. CS students should report by 18 / 11 / 2017 [Saturday] 10 : 40 am at the company.


It’s informed that if the candidates are performing well enough during the training period he or she will be appointed as an employee of the same concern.




Batch: 2015 – 2018             Academic Year: 2017 – 2018            Year: III Year

Date: 11 / 11 / 2017 [Saturday]

Counselor Name: Mr. S. N. S. Gopalan, CEO, Syndicate Incorp, Madurai

Counseling Given To III B.Sc. Computer Science & III B.Sc Information Technology


Mr. S. N. S. Gopalan, CEO, Syndicate Incorp, Madurai visited our prestigious educational institution on 11 / 11 / 2017 [Saturday].  Communicated with students regarding the carrier opportunities on computer science and its related fields. His prime point was on the artificial intelligence and supervised, unsupervised learning algorithms.


On that day itself he conducted the entry level internship come placement eligibility test to the III B.Sc. Computer Science & III B.Sc Information Technology students. As a result ten (10) students were selected for internship training.






Branding & Immense of Brand Building – Guest Lecture

A guest lecture on “Branding & Immense of Brand Building” was organized for students of BBA on 10.11.2017. Mr.S.Srikanth – Marketing Executive, Planet Mini (iPhone’s Authenticated Reseller) was invited as the resource person. He highlighted the challenges and opportunities in brand building and the strategies to be adopted for building a successful brand. The students were immensely benefited through this guest lecture. Totally 58 students got benefited through this program.

Career Counselling on how to face Diploma in banking and finance (DBF) exam.

                             Mr.Vijayavel alumnus (2013-15 batch)of banking & insurance gave a guest lecture about how to face Diploma in banking and finance (DBF) examination and career experience in city union bank on 10.11.2017. It was very useful to the students of especially for III B.Com (B&I) students who are preparing for DBF exam in coming week and to the students who were selected by city union bank .It was also very useful for  I & II year students who are going to write DBF exam in future years, all the students of banking & insurance are able to get clear knowledge of how to prepare for DBF exam and about the working scenario in city union bank.

SICA – International Chefs Day

South India Chef’s Association – SICA chefs in Madurai have organized International Chefs Day and it is celebrated every year. This year, it was a special year for them, to serve the needy and deprived children ( HIV Positive ). They decided that the children’s want to be happy and enjoy the program and the Association has organized in such a way to meant for this deprived children and was organized in Rio Grande Residency, Madurai. The event includes knowledge sharing session, fun games, poster presentation, dance, magic show and distribution of love through fun filled food items.  Our students of II year nearly ten students and three staff (Mr.C. Sureshkumar, Head of the Department, Mr. P. Anand, and Mr. M. Maheshkumar ) have participated in this program and they serve this children.

The main objective of this International Chef Day celebrated poster presentation on “Food’s for Healthy Heroes”. Around 8 colleges nearly 85 students have participated in this program. Celebrity’s Chefs from various hotel and industrial experts inaugurated this program. Our students (Ms. Surya, Ms. Lavanya, Mr. Kesavamoorthy, Mr. Karan Singhaal, Mr. Murugan)have got second prize and received Silver Certificate for Poster Presentation. Mr. Saran Dass, Mr. Thirumal Raj, Mr. Marudamuthu, Mr. Adiya Uday) have won third prize – Bronze Certificate for Poster Presentation.

Alumnus Interaction

Mr.K.Aravind Kumar (Cell No: 9677881422) , an alumnus of 2009-2012 B.Sc(Computer Science) Batch, who is presently working as a Assistant Manager in Sales, Vodafone Cellular, Madurai, visited our department  and had a interaction with current  II-B.Sc(IT) & II-B.Sc(CS) [2016-2019 Batch].

He asked the students to update themselves in recent technology along with the academic syllabus.

He insisted the students, that they should be energetic, dynamic and active during class hours and never waste the precious time.

He said the value added programs will help them in right way and give more chances for their placements.

He also listed few software companies where they can get their internship in future.


The Department of Visual Communication has given Media Support to the “Charity Film Festival & Short Film Competition” a fund raising program for the medical treatment of Cancer Children Organized by  the Meenakshi mission Hospital, Madurai on  03,04 & 05th  November 2017. Our department students have videographed and photographed the entire event. Multicamera technique was used for both video and photo Coverage Rs.30,000 worth of work has done by the department as service.

Students Achievements

Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre, Madurai had conducted a Charity Film Festival and Short film Competition on 3 , 4 and 5th  November 2017 at Madurai Medical College Auditorium with over 700 students in attendance.

Nearly 150 short films from various colleges in the State had nominated for the short film competition.

K.Subasree,  the  final year student of  Visual Communication  won the ‘Best Content Award’ for her short film titled “Cuckoo”.

J.K.Anubhav Krishna,  M.Sc first year student of  Visual Communication  won two awards namely  ‘Special Jury Award’  and  “Best Child Artist Award” for his short film titled “Yellow Rose”.

R.Shanmugapriyan,  M.Sc  final year student of  Visual Communication  won the ‘Best Documentary film Award’ for his Documentary titled “Keeladi”.