Ungalal Mudiyum

The Dinamalar and Chennai Institutes of Technology was conducted the live program “ Ungalal Mudiyum” on 01.6.2018 at Chennai. .The MC&HM HOD has participated as a resource person for that program.This programme was fully focused and to create awareness to the public about the Catering course. Sharing of information has taken place between the host – spectators and guest about the importance of the Catering Technology. Both discussed face to face to ensure viewers to get clear instruction about the value of Catering.

Orientation Program

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized orientation program for the II & III year Marine Catering and Hotel Management students on 1.06.2018, Our department faculty Mr. V. Gangadharan, Assistant professor have addressed all students & subject handling staffs and  informed about the Department discipline / Rules and regulations of examination, Academic details(lesson plan), Syllabus, Attendance procedure , Departmental Activity for the ODD semester,(workshop and seminars) and handed over the hand book to the class representative,(lesson plan, time table, attendance log sheet)


On behalf of Department of CS & IT, orientation programme has been conducted on 01.06.2018 at 11.10 AM in Seminar Hall for II B.Sc CS (SSS), III B.Sc CS & III B.Sc IT students. Our department coordinator Mrs.N.Anuradha introduced the subjects which they are going to study in III & V semester for 2nd and 3rd years respectively also she informed class in-charges. Class representatives have been selected for this semester. Duties and responsibilities have been shared by the previous year representatives. Few students completed online certification during this vacation (April 2018 & May 2018). They have been appreciated by all. Our coordinator instructed all students to follow the college rules and come to the college in proper dress code & grooming.

Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking – Workshop

The Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization) conducted a workshop on “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking” for +2 students in the College premises on 12, May, 2018.

The Chief Guest was Prof.S.Prasanna, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Thiyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.

The program started with the Prayer Song. Prof.N.Anuradha, Head of the Department, welcomed the gathering. Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal, SLCS delivered the felicitation address.

The Chief Guest, Prof.S.Prasanna through his lively and interactive session created awareness on “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking”.

Mr.T.Vigneshwaran & Mr.A.Gowtham Shankar, III B.Sc(CS) jointly delivered a Presentation on the Importance of Computer Learning and Cyber Security. They explained Ethical Hacking and Internet of Things (IOT) with real time examples. They also demonstrated about game development, which eagerly attracted all participants.

Mr.Ashok and Mr.Rajamanickam, III B.Sc(CS) demonstrated Ethical Hacking Tools using Kali Linux. They also demonstrated hacking using the android OS.

Through these demonstration and presentation the participants got an idea about Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security and even got trained to hack android phones and Facebook.

Mrs.K.P.Maheswari, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science explained the course and syllabus of the Computer Science (Security System Specialization) department. This session was an interactive session between the professor and parents who participated in the workshop.

The workshop came to the end with a feedback session, where two students among the participants shared their feedback and a parent came voluntarily to share his feedback about the workshop and the course “Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security”.

At the end of the workshop every participant was awarded a Certificate of Participation along with an admission application for the course B.Sc Computer Science (Security System Specialization).

Two studious participants were awarded with mementos by the III year students who were in turn motivated by the act of giving mementos.

The Vote of Thanks was delivered by Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Assistant professor, Department of Computer Science. The programme was successfully completed.

Career Guidance Programme for 12th Students

Career guidance programme was organized by Department of Commerce, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, on 10-05-2018, at AV Room, RLINS. 81 students participated in the programme with their parents. Welcome address was given by Mrs.V.Padmavathy, HOD Commerce, Presidential address was given by Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal, SLCS. Chief Guest CA.P.Selvaraj, gave an in-depth knowledge about Chartered Accountant Course and how B.Com (Honours) Course curriculum helps in accomplishing it. He also explained how this course will help in their Career in future. Dr.S.Senbaganathan, Asst.Prof. Dept. of Commerce, R.D.Govt. Arts College, Sivagangai had advised students course with value added will help them in getting better opportunities in future also he stated that studying commerce provides the scope to work in various fields. Mr.Hariharan, an aluminus had shared his experience like do’s and don’ts during the course duration. Mr.Aditya Kaashyap an aluminus had given a speech about the internship and how to utilize that experience for further development. During the question session parents raised many question regarding the C.A Course and it was clarified by the resource person, they felt happy about the programme as it helped them in deciding their ward’s future. Then vote of thanks given by Dr.K.Archunan, Vice Principal. The  programme ended with the National Anthem.

Orientation Program on Behavior Management and Counseling

SLCS with intention of amplifying the skills of its faculty members conducted yet another Faculty Development Program , “An Orientation Program on Behavior Management and Counseling”  for the teaching staff of both SLCS & RLIMS on 06.05.2018 at the Seminar Hall.

The session was jointly handled by experts Dr.M.Kannan, Research Director, M.S.C.I.M.H. and Rehabilitation and Dr.Guru Bharathy , Principal , M.S.C.I.M.H. and Rehabilitation.

Dr.R.L.Ramnath , Advisor, IQAC  warmly welcomed the dignitaries and the faculty members. Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal , SLCS, gave the presidential address. In his address he spoke of the immense service of Chellamuthu Trust to society.

The program was divided in to two sessions, with the first session taken by Dr.M.Kannan on “Behavior Management” .The session concluded with a Psychometric Assessment Test. The second session was handled by Dr. Guru Bharathy . He discussed and expounded student behavior with the help of interesting activities.

The program greatly benefitted the faculty members who are keen on participating in more such programs.

Mrs.K.P.Maheswari , Assistant Professor , Dept. of CS & IT proposed the vote of thanks and thanked the resource persons for not only enlightening the faculty members but also for conducting it in a lively and interesting manner.

Professional Training on Hardware and Networking

On 04th May 2018, Department of Networking organized 1 day “Professional Training onHardware and Networking” for +2 students. 20 Students from various places like Madurai, Theni, Sivagangai were participated. The session was started with the prayer song.Mr.M.Athigopal, HoD, Dept of Networking gave an introduction about the workshop.
Mr.S.Satheesh Kumar, Business Head,Winways Infomatics Pvt Ltd, Madurai, explained about the Career & Job Opportunities in Networking. His brief explanation made everyone to understand about networking industries and cleared their queries.Mr.B.Nijanthan, CEO, SN IT Solutions, Madurai, has explained the troubleshooting laptop,
and gave live demonstration to assemble, disassemble and troubleshooting of Laptops. The students were divided into teams each team work on laptops, they practice to troubleshoot it. The students were trained with PC Hardware Devices & PC Assembling.The students learnt Assembling & De- Assembling of PC practically & they also participated in the Contest. Finally Our Principal Dr.P.Saravanan thanked all the parents,students and faculty members and Certificate with Best performance awards were distributed to all the participants.Vote of thanks given by B.Lakshmipriya II B.Sc Networking.


The Department of Fire & Industrial Safety organized a Safety Awareness Program –cum-Workshop on 03.05.2018. Dr.S.Tamilselvan Ph.D, (Industrial Safety), Anna University was the Resource Person. The program started at 10.30am in the M.B.A hall and the welcome speech was given by Mr.V.N.Devkumar HOD, Department of Fire & Industrial Safety. The Chief Guest, Dr.S.Tamilselvan, lucidly explained the future growth of Safety and the demand for Safety Professionals in various fields. He also gave useful tips for the participants regarding the job opportunities in Safety in various sectors. Later a practical session was conducted at the RLINS ground by the HOD of Fire & Industrial Safety to create awareness among the participants on handling of Safety Equipments. At the end of the program an Interactive session was conducted and the Resource Person clarified the queries of the Participants. The feedback from the Students who participated in the program was good and the program ended with the Vote of Thanks.

21st Graduation Day

Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and R L Institute of Management Studies, Madurai organized its 21st Graduation Day Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal, welcomed the gathering. Mr.Kannan Ganesh, Executive Director & Chief Financial Officer, CMA CMG Shared Service Center, (India) Pvt. Ltd. was the Chief Guest. The Chief Guest emphasized that with Self-confidence we can succeed. He further said that it is important to identify one’s skills and build a strong academic foundation.

In his Presidential Address, Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, President of the college said that a Degree Certificate is not just a piece of paper but an educational qualification that gets you respect. He continued by adding that education is a powerful tool that develops a country, eradicates poverty and brings about gender Equality. He also emphasized that learning is a never ending process.

Dr.L.Ramasubbu, Secretary, Mr.R.Ramkumar, Management Executive, Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal, Mrs.Meera Meenakshi Sundram, COE, faculty members and parents participated.

Oviyam and Animation Workshop 2018

Date: 18 & 19 Apr 2018

A career guidance program, “Oviyam & Animation Workshop2018” was organized by the Department of Animation, SLCS and DINAMALAR for the +2 students. The objective of the program was to train the students to get knowledge about  Animation, Drawing and Sculpting concepts and to make them realize their importance in Industries. The Program presided over by Dr. P.Saravanan, Principal, SLCS and was felicitated by Dr.K.Archunan, Vice Principal, SLCS.

It was a two day program (18th & 19th April 2018) which involved the active participation of students in creating  drawings and paintings as performed by the guest artists, namely, Mr. S. Sivabalan, M.F.A., Watercolor Artist and Mr.Ilayaraja, M.F.A., Freelancing Artist, Chennai. Students used the Animation Lab facilities to create their own animation shots as directed and coordinated by Mr. P.Kishore Kumar, Instructor, in 3D Animation techniques.  Mr. N.Naveendra  Kumar, Instructor, explained 2D Animation concepts and Mr. M. Purushothaman, Instructor, gave a demo on VFX techniques (Green matte shots) to the students and parents. Mr. V.Chenthil Kumar, Coordinator of the Animation Department, played a key role in all arrangements.

Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, Animation-HoD gave a great speech on the growth aspects of the Animation Industry and also proposed the vote of thanks. Participation Certificates were distributed to all the students.

The participants greatly benefited from and thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and gave positive feedback about the program. The program was useful in bringing out the creative skills of the participants