Department of Networking conducted a course committee meeting on 10.09.2019 at 10.00 a.m. for the students of I year and II year, especially the Advanced & Slow learners.

The following points were discussed in this meeting:

  1. Lesson Plan and Subject Coverage.
  2. Teaching Methodology
  3. Internship
  4. Placement
  5. Students deficiencies related to the courses and remedial actions to be taken.
  6. Current syllabus
  7. Department Activity

Peer Teaching

The Department of Animation conducted Peer Teaching for the I year students of B.Sc Animation. The peer teaching was held on 10.09.2019. In this session, Ms. P. Uma from III Year B.Sc Animation explained about Standard Operations Procedures (SOP) in the Graphic Design Industry and also highlighted the SOP terms related to Graphic Design in the Advertisement field. She also shared her experience about the training of 2ADPro, A MNC Company from Chennai. The Peer teaching session came to an end as an experiential learning and I year students gained positive impact.

MoU Signing & Seminar

ZEAL (BBA Association) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized a “Seminar on Development of Industry Related Attitude and Employability Skills” on 06.09.2019. Mr.G.Rajamurthy, Director, Global Institute of Foreign Trade, Madurai & Singai Coirs Cluster Private Limited, Sivagangai was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the various skills and competencies needed in the job market. He also pointed out the means of maintaining a positive attitude towards employment. Department of BBA, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science signed MoUs with Global Institute of Foreign Trade, Madurai & Singai Coirs Cluster Private Limited, Sivagangai. The MoU will work towards summer training, internships and placements of students.Totally 72 students Participated and got benefited through this program.

MoU Signing & Seminar

ZEAL (BBA Association) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized a “Seminar on Development of Industry Related Attitude and Employability Skills” on 06.09.2019. Mr.G.Rajamurthy, Director, Global Institute of Foreign Trade, Madurai & Singai Coirs Cluster Private Limited, Sivagangai was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the various skills and competencies needed in the job market. He also pointed out the means of maintaining a positive attitude towards employment. Department of BBA, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science signed MoUs with Global Institute of Foreign Trade, Madurai & Singai Coirs Cluster Private Limited, Sivagangai. The MoU will work towards summer training, internships and placements of students.Totally 72 students Participated and got benefited through this program.

MoU signing & Seminar

ZEAL (BBA Association) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized a “Seminar on Development of Industry Related Attitude and Employability Skills” on 06.09.2019. Mr.G.Rajamurthy, Director, Global Institute of Foreign Trade, Madurai & Singai Coirs Cluster Private Limited, Sivagangai was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the various skills and competencies needed in the job market. He also pointed out the means of maintaining a positive attitude towards employment. Department of BBA, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science signed MoUs with Global Institute of Foreign Trade, Madurai & Singai Coirs Cluster Private Limited, Sivagangai. The MoU will work towards summer training, internships and placements of students.


The department of marine catering and hotel management has organized the teacher’s day celebration at training Restaurant on 05.09.2019. All teaching and non teaching members are participated for this function. Student has expressed their gratitude and appreciation for their teachers on this day.  This day is dedicated to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan – second President of India.

Totally 100 staff participated in this event.


On 5th September 2019 students from the Department of CS have participated in the symposium held at AAA College of Engineering & Technology, Sivakasi. Totally 11 students participated in various events such as “You can’t see me” (Coding), “Game O Game” (Car game), “Puzzle hunt” (Technical Quiz), and “Paper Chase” (Non-technical Event). The Staff Member Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi accompanied the students and encouraged them to participate in all the events. Students have won prize in the following events.

S.No Roll No Student Name Event name Prize
1. 17239 S.Sri Adith  

Game O Game


3rd prize

2. 17208  

M. Monisha



Puzzle Hunt


3rd prize

17213 M. Vishalakshi


3. 18217  

A. Shalini



You can’t see me


3rd prize


The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized a Seminar on “ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY “ held on 29.08.2019.   We have invited as chief guest Mr.P.Srinivasan, Assistant Professor working in IPHC,  Mekelle University, Ethiopia . He has delivered a wonderful and use full message to the students community in the terms of entrepreneurship in Hospitality industry.


The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized a Seminar on “ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY “ held on 29.08.2019.   We have invited as chief guest Mr.P.Srinivasan, Assistant Professor working in IPHC,  Mekelle University, Ethiopia . He has delivered a wonderful and use full message to the students community in the terms of entrepreneurship in Hospitality industry.

Alumni Interaction

Date                          : 29.08.2019

Chief Guest            : Mr.Deepak  Mizra , Mr.Shivakumar 

                                    -2012-2015 Batch Student

Participants         : III-B.Sc Networking (37 Students)

The Alumni of our department  Mr. Deepak Mizra and Mr.Shivakumar interacted with the third year students to share their experience on the scope in IT and Networking  Industry.

                        The following topics were discussed as per the need of industry:

  1. Data Center Equipment
  2. Latest Networking Devices
  3. Relevant Roles in IT Field
  4. Importance of International  Certification