SessionDetails: | |
Title of the Session: Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit – A Design of Mobile ROBOT | |
Date:20/01/2023 | Duration: 7.5Hrs(9:00amto4:30pm) |
Activity Category :IIC Calendar Activity | Nature of the Session : Offline |
Theme: Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit-A Design of Mobile ROBOT | |
Expert/SpeakerDetails: | |
Name: Mr.Sriram Nagarajan | Designation: Co Founder & CEO, |
Organization: RoboRAM Technologies, Nagercoil | |
Brief about Expert / Speaker:(Highlight points from profile of the expert)
· 1+Year of Experience in Industrial Automation Consultant at Dr.MGR Research Institute. · 4+Year of Experience in Co-Founder &CEO at RoboRAM Technologies · 3+Year of Experience as Automation Trainer at RoboRAM Technologies · 2+Year of Experience as Business Partner in DataBee. · Having strong knowledge in Product Development in IoT and Mobile Robotics · HavingexperienceasProfessionalTrainerforEntrepreneurshipDevelopmentatdifferentInstitutions. |
· To understand the application of Automation Technology in software industry. · To gain the knowledge the importance of embedded C++ in robotics field. · To attain the job opportunities in automation field. · To get knowledge about the frame work “Tinkercad”. |
Outcome of the activity:
At the end of the session, the participants were able to: 1) Understand the various applications of Automation Technology in software industry and in all other industries. 2) GaintheknowledgeaboutthesignificanceofembeddedC++inthedevelopmentofMobileRobots. 3) Understand the various roles in automation industry and the job opportunities in robotics field. 4) AbsorbthevariousoptionsandfunctionalitiesavailableinTinkercadframework. |
Key Highlights:
A few major points explained by the speaker to the participants were 1) The role of mobileobots in industry, military and security environments. 2) The components like laser scanner ,mono cularcameras and RFID devices. 3) The importance of robotics applications to travelapre-defined navigation route in relatively controlled space. |
ParticipantsDetails: | |
Total No. of Student Participation:60 | |
Total No. of Staff (Teaching/Non-Teaching)Participation:5 | |
YouTube Links: nil |